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Thread: when she comes over...

  1. #1
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    when she comes over...

    so the visa has been submitted and hopefully it will be good news in 4+ weeks.

    then theres the matter of her settling over here

    any ladies out there can give me some advice on whats best

    i am lucky enough to live where i work so i will be able to pop home every so often to make sures shes ok, however i do worry how she will settle in as she is painfully shy- even with fellow philippinos.

    i have a fairly large social circle due to my work and many of the girls in that circle will welcome her- in fact cant wait to meet her and take her shopping etc

    i am considering getting a kitten so she will have company when i am at work etc- good idea or not??

    we aint got the visa yet so i hope i am not tempting fate with this post but fellow members experience from both sexes would be appreciated

  2. #2
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    having people to shop with is a good one.. i envy her already...

  3. #3
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    do you have a rice cooker?

    ask about things she will need, then take her shopping and get her use to the area.

    filipinas like their own money so give her some pocket money and make sure she can chat to the family back home!

    a few days before my wife got here she was really nervous and having panic attacks, the first week was the hardest for her so try to keep patient with her and how she will feel being away from her family.
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  4. #4
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    do you have a rice cooker?

    ask about things she will need, then take her shopping and get her use to the area.

    filipinas like their own money so give her some pocket money and make sure she can chat to the family back home!

    a few days before my wife got here she was really nervous and having panic attacks, the first week was the hardest for her so try to keep patient with her and how she will feel being away from her family.

    had a thai ex so the rice cooker i know about

    own money- i will give her an allowance every month of around £300 and a job if she wants it.

    i have been thru it before but with a psycho thai ex- this is why i wanna get it right this time and make sure she feels as welcomed and loved as is possible

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post

    own money- i will give her an allowance every month of around £300 and a job if she wants it.
    For £300 a month I'll sleep with you
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Respected Member abby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    had a thai ex so the rice cooker i know about

    own money- i will give her an allowance every month of around £300 and a job if she wants it.

    i have been thru it before but with a psycho thai ex- this is why i wanna get it right this time and make sure she feels as welcomed and loved as is possible
    wow.... shes so lucky to have you.... just make her feel at home.. Home sick will be the main problem when she here.. I'll be happy to be her friend but I'm from Lowestoft.. I can talk to her thru ym and if ever we'll going to Norwich maybe we can meet.. I know its hard on the first month cos I've been with that situation...

  7. #7
    Member Dee31's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    so the visa has been submitted and hopefully it will be good news in 4+ weeks.

    then theres the matter of her settling over here

    any ladies out there can give me some advice on whats best

    i am lucky enough to live where i work so i will be able to pop home every so often to make sures shes ok, however i do worry how she will settle in as she is painfully shy- even with fellow philippinos.

    i have a fairly large social circle due to my work and many of the girls in that circle will welcome her- in fact cant wait to meet her and take her shopping etc

    i am considering getting a kitten so she will have company when i am at work etc- good idea or not??

    we aint got the visa yet so i hope i am not tempting fate with this post but fellow members experience from both sexes would be appreciated
    Good luck. i am sure she will have her visa in 4wks time.

    Just giver her all the love and cuddles. And let her call her family back home at least once a day. Coz she will be very homesick in her first few days and weeks. Ask her if she wants kitten or a dog perhaps. At least it will be her way of excuse to go out and walk with the dog.

    I have been here in England for a month now. And my first week here, i found a pinay who works in toppers, and we became fast friends. I am quite shy too, but it was great to see your own kind. My husband was the one who asked her number coz i am really that shy! So I am sure she is going to settle in quite fine here. I am not sure of your whereabout. I lived in nuneaton. So if she feels like wanting some friends when she is here finally, i'd love to be her friend.

    Take care and God bless to you both . xx

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    .....but fellow members experience from both sexes would be appreciated
    Get her to bring over a roaming sim card which you can pop into an unlocked phone.
    Then, when she arrives get her to sign up to the free chikka text on the pc.

    This means her family will be able to text her cheaply and she will be able to reply for no cost, as long as you have the internet there

  9. #9
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    While its good you have lots of friends who will welcome her. Im sure you aware there is no blue print no one way. Some Ladies settle in straight away others take a while, just like with us Brits in Phill. Just because she has a certain charcter in phill does not mean she will act the same apart from her friends and family in Phill.
    From what I understand and have seen some Ladies find they gain a new confidence once they get here and others look like they are in a state of shock. One Lady the Wife and I met though her friends sat at a Phill Dinner and barely said a word and looked like she was shell shocked

    Phones and texting help as does food. Also feeling comfortable in her surroundings, Im sure all the filipinas who have preceded your Mahal coming to the UK. Many will have found simply stepping outside and traveling around the local area a massive event.

    Also I dont know your Mahal but I would be wary of simply giving her the cash and not making sure she is aware of things we take for granted like store cards, credit cards etc.

    Also many phills are used to living hand to mouth so simply feel they should spend all they have and many will start buying for family back home the first time you go to a supermarket. You may want her to start a savings account with a few quid tucked away a month for the trip back home, the bablikayan boxes etc..

    Your be suprised how easy it is even in these crunch days for people to sign up. My Wife works in a shop and is amazed how many people still get accepted for store cards yet dont seem to understand the implications..
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  10. #10
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abby View Post
    wow.... shes so lucky to have you.... just make her feel at home.. Home sick will be the main problem when she here.. I'll be happy to be her friend but I'm from Lowestoft.. I can talk to her thru ym and if ever we'll going to Norwich maybe we can meet.. I know its hard on the first month cos I've been with that situation...
    thanks for your support
    not too far away- i am in north norfolk tho

    also my good friend who is also on here mistermatty is getting married soon and hoping to bring his wife over-hes from your neck of the woods so you might have a new friend soon there.

  11. #11
    Respected Member abby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    thanks for your support
    not too far away- i am in north norfolk tho

    also my good friend who is also on here mistermatty is getting married soon and hoping to bring his wife over-hes from your neck of the woods so you might have a new friend soon there.
    really? let him know, that I can be a friend to his wife....

  12. #12
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    I have been wondering the same thing - but it is my husband who will arrive ( i have bought sugar, so he can have horribly sweet coffee). I have a few foody things to make him feel at home, but can only find maasim datu puti vinegar which is no good for adobo! I am worried he will feel even more awkward as a man - at the CFO they were really suprised that he is there with a settlement visa - but our daughter has 2+ weeks off school and I will have 3 day working weeks for the first few weeks to break him in gently - hope this works!

  13. #13
    Respected Member South-east boy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    I have been wondering the same thing - but it is my husband who will arrive ( i have bought sugar, so he can have horribly sweet coffee). I have a few foody things to make him feel at home, but can only find maasim datu puti vinegar which is no good for adobo! I am worried he will feel even more awkward as a man - at the CFO they were really suprised that he is there with a settlement visa - but our daughter has 2+ weeks off school and I will have 3 day working weeks for the first few weeks to break him in gently - hope this works!

    Good luck! How long until he arrives now?

  14. #14
    Member lyka's Avatar
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    my first 2 weeks here made me of now im ok met new pinay friends..

  15. #15
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lyka View Post
    my first 2 weeks here made me of now im ok met new pinay friends..
    do you mind me asking why?

  16. #16
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    For £300 a month I'll sleep with you

    I am going to tell Rob...........

  17. #17
    Member mistermatty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    thanks for your support
    not too far away- i am in north norfolk tho

    also my good friend who is also on here mistermatty is getting married soon and hoping to bring his wife over-hes from your neck of the woods so you might have a new friend soon there.
    suspect the girls will get on like a house on fire when they meet up mate !

  18. #18
    Member mistermatty's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by abby View Post
    really? let him know, that I can be a friend to his wife....
    well i live in Lowestoft as well and i am quite sure the Princess will appreciate the fact that there are a few Pinnays here to chat with can i ask what dialect you speak ?

    I have been out makin a short video today of the town and my house for the princess to watch later this month when i visit the Philippines !

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