Is the be all and end all of love making ??...And does it mean more to a man than it does to a woman ?
Is the be all and end all of love making ??...And does it mean more to a man than it does to a woman ?
''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''
Posting such topics on this innocent and sweet forum .... and what would I know?
Ask thefolk, they've got more mileage
Keith - Administrator
Ah a subject close to my heart
Speaking as anmy discoverys have led me to realise that its not quite the same for men and women and certainly not a technical event rather its about how much energy you can HOLD between you rather than how as a man you can dissapate it This energy is life force and is not diferent than sexual energy it can be harnessed and used for many purposes ,Healing for example an of course creating life .Women if they feel deeply conected to there mate can experience almost endless infusions of this joint energy not simply localised but through out their bodies and when this is dancing between lovers even the washing up can be orgasmic.
Try gazing into each others eyes whilstfeel the life force enter the female rise up through her heart into the heart of her mate and so the circle goes on untill the boundries of our bodies blur much more interesting than boom bang thankyou maam and it is always a joyfull anticipation to achieve the vunerability of that space with your beloved without a goal.
Gosh did i say that whatever next![]()
Absit invidia
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I realize that at this precise moment in time, you are in a different country, but would you awfully mind putting it in a plain and simple language, so that foreigners like me, can have a better understanding of the underlying values of an act generally and universally known and referred to as a "shag".....??????![]()
Orgasm usually means the intense sensation of pleasure at the climax of sexual activity, by stimulation of the clitoris and penis (with ejaculation). But definitions vary and of course the stimulation can be by self or partner. By no means do all women (or men) achieve orgasm ("come") during intercourse; they may choose to "fake" it with or without the partner knowing. That is the point - provided both partners are satisfied (happy) with lovemaking then orgasm is not essential for either or both. "I'll make you the happiest man in the world" is what we want to hear ...but "I'll make you the happiest woman in the world" should also be our aim , however it is achieved
An interseting subject. It just so happens that I am, as we speak the sole distributer of a book written by a great friend of mine in Singapore, all about this subject.
I will not advertise it here unless the boss allows me to, but it was written with the emphisis on the man being able to create satifaction with his female sexual partner. I have just set it up on Amazon and hope it will sell a million.
The book describes all matters related to female orgasm and how a man can make the act of making love great for both, so well worth the read, I have even learnt from it, just got to try it now![]()
I hope for your sake it does, SteveBut we all know there is already a vast amount of literature and information on the internet on this topic.
That's why I restricted my response to a few sentences. It must be a topic on which every individual and couple have an opinion. My philosophy : whatever you do, try to make your partner happy.
.spirtual and touching post by Keith. He must be enjoying himself. Do we discuss the use of sex toys and tickle sticks. Are we going to start discussing sexual positions next?
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
It's as easy as this: You just keep going till she says you can stop.... even if you're about to black out....otherwise TAMPO![]()
Keith - Administrator
You don't like the guys who are RORO's do you? ....Roll-On Roll-Off when they're done, and sod the woman.....
Women can get their own back any way..... they can play with the mans willy till he gets near his peak then stop and say "I've finished now .....Time for Pop Idol"![]()
Keith - Administrator
im surprised you remember me saying that to youas you had a few that night
i think men are easily pleased but i do like foreplay and to be teased but my wife wants to get straight to it and any "beating around the bush" will get a fustrated wife.
pleasing the wife as got to be one of the most important aspects in a relationship as love ie sex means far more to a woman.... so what are you waiting for?, stop reading this and![]()
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
Blimey, I may as well video the evening![]()
Keith - Administrator
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