Ah a subject close to my heart
Speaking as anmy discoverys have led me to realise that its not quite the same for men and women and certainly not a technical event rather its about how much energy you can HOLD between you rather than how as a man you can dissapate it This energy is life force and is not diferent than sexual energy it can be harnessed and used for many purposes ,Healing for example an of course creating life .Women if they feel deeply conected to there mate can experience almost endless infusions of this joint energy not simply localised but through out their bodies and when this is dancing between lovers even the washing up can be orgasmic.
Try gazing into each others eyes whilstfeel the life force enter the female rise up through her heart into the heart of her mate and so the circle goes on untill the boundries of our bodies blur much more interesting than boom bang thankyou maam and it is always a joyfull anticipation to achieve the vunerability of that space with your beloved without a goal.
Gosh did i say that whatever next![]()