Yes..You need a lot of money..Its a requirement.does it mean that i have to prove that i have lots of money,
Right! I usually stay away from threads that 'court controversy.'
HOWEVER - I really cannot believe that nobody has simply said:-
Tony - you cannot go to the Philippines with £100 or even £300 under the circumstances that you describe! Forget it!
I am sorry to be so blunt!
P.S. Please PM me if you want to know what you will REALLY be expected to have - both financially and personally!
Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!
I hope I wasnt being .gulp........controvershal hic![]()
Absit invidia
DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence
They know he is strapped granted it may be a marriage scam but that doesnt affect the money story might not be for you or me but thats not the same as going blind with other expectations on him even if he marries shes not gonna get a spouse visa any time soon If Tony is reporting accuratly its a supported trip
Absit invidia
DISCLAIMER: The information hereinabove may or may not be entirely accurate, relevant, forthright, verifiable, or coherent. KeithAngel, who shall herein be refered to as the 'Shining Beacon of Light', reserves the right to neither confirm, deny, justify, explain, or otherwise acknowledge any inquiry in regards to the validity, genuinity, construction, intent, and/or motive of any statements, gestures, and/or actions whether real, imagined, or transdimensional in origin. Further, the 'Shining Beacon of Light' shall be absolved of any and all legal, moral, and financial responsibilities for damages to life, limb, character, reputation, property, and/or business resulting from the usage, assimilation, incorporation, replication, and/or distribution of said statements whether partial, complete, misquoted, or imagined. This disclaimer remains in effect despite any discrepancies or claims as to its legibility, comprehension, interpretation, subliminal suggestiveness, political affiliation, legality, visibility, and/or physical presence
TONY,always remember person w/out money is like a bird w/out wings.........
Hey tony deodrant is the least of your worrys if your going ther with 100 quid....(Axe deodrant ther will set you back 190peso...£2.92pence) and your need a lot in 35 degree heat that leaves £97......And another thing, you mite hear a certain person saying NO MONEY NO HONEY Then it will be in your case NO HONEY CUZ NO MONEY...
Ive made a few mistakes but im not that stupid to broadcast them om here like some people.And any way if somebody comes on here asking a stupid question like he did i think they deserve a stupid anwser and a bit of a ptake....Come on son lighten
up a bit its only a bit of fun
Hya Tony, been here 3 months now.Beautiful Place and People...1st. on your list should be throat lozengers (Permanent sore throat in Manila) next...Sun Block (rare as rocking horse effluent over here). £100 a week minimum to live on...and as someone has pointed out..keep away from Rallies and keep your mouth closed on Political points of view, and also any Religious views, keep them to yourself...most people here ask God for everything, rather than doing the things themselves, and they also vote for the candidate who gives them the most peso's when he comes calling..But....its a beautiful place and the people on the whole are smashing....(but keep a tight rein on your personal effects, they might easily go missing...blooming YaYa) Enjoys yourself...will be difficult though on £100....
Good reply.
Like said above, try not to get too carried away and don't get pressured into anything that you are not sure of, especially marriage and once you start along that route, the longer you go along it, the harder it is to back out if you realise that it isn't what you want or it doesn't feel right. If all goes well, maybe make a commitment to each other and then do all you can to save up for going to see her again when you could propose. if she really does love you, then she'll wait for you.
When it ended with Suzie who I was in contact with and she accepted the Danish 'stranger' she said that she had met the love of her life after knowing him for a few days and that they were getting engaged shortly! This was only a couple of weeks after her thanking me for everything I did for her & her family and that she wished she could do something for me in some way! I don't think that meeting the Danish guy and dropping me like a hot stone, was the nicest way to show how much she thought of that! Maybe it she had met me, she would have expected me to propose at the first meeting too, I don't know? It's easy for someone to behave their best & do all they can to make you fall in love with you over just a few days, but it's only time together (in person and phone/Internet etc) during good times and bad, that you really get to know what they are like.
Getting married so quick could also possibly make it harder for her to get a Visa as they will more likely to be a bit more suspiscious of getting married on the first meeting.
Your right they prob wouldnt go out with me.....cuz by The sounds of it im not to popular on here....dont no why\\\
/// I just like to say 1 thing in my defence ITS JUST A BIT OF FUN ALL THAT I WROTE, NO HARM INTENDED TO THE SENSITVE TYPES OR THE ONES ON HERE WITH NO SENSE OF HUMOUR and i thought being in this forum is ment to be a bit of a laugh from time to time......Im going to say 1 more thing regard the 1st thread.
Any body wanting to go to phils to meet a lady TAKE LOTS OF CASH.
And most importantly a filipina lady wants a REAL MAN NOT A WET WEEKEND BE WARNED.![]()
You have to understand that we at the forum do appreciate a laugh and a joke, some banter, innuendoes, sarcasm and whathaveyou....
What irritates is the constant sniping, and what is perceived as personal attacks....
Taking the mickey near enough all the time puts people off the mickey taker.
By his admission, Tony, will be going abroad for the first time in his life, and blissfully unaware of what life can be like in Phil, or anywhere else, for that matter.
And at time I fear, he is also unaware of what is going on here in his own country.
The good thing, is that he came to us, to announce proudly that he found someone, and will be flying to meet this person. And also ask for some advice.
The consensus amonsgt the phorumers would be for him to abandon the idea of departing with only a small amount of money in his pockets, although he was also suggested and hinted to, to give up on the idea altogether, for now, and save up for a decent trip at a later date.
So, junior, if you have some constructive suggestions, please do go ahead and try to help, or do not join in. He may not heed to any of the advice given, as ultimately, the decision rests with him.
But at least we can say honestly to ourselves, that we tried to lead this particular horse to water....![]()
Most of us on the forum ... especially the regulars ... enjoy harmless fun and friendly banter - but NOT when it's at the expense of otherswho might, for whatever reason(s) be unable to "defend" themselves in response.
So please bear this in mind ... and THINK carefully before being tempted to post anything offensive or insensitive.
100 pounds to spend for a month?...that's a big NO..NO...especially if you're going to marry that a joke?...that's only enough for my 1 week grocery...
hi junior, no worries, my sense of humor is silly most of the time, abit like my dessisions and spelling
so i can take most thangs that people say,
anyway, there be none of this going onif my back is itching ill use the bed post
i realy like everyones comments, is helping me to make better dessision,
to the one that asked earlier, the village is called brgy gomez or sta rosa,
sorry for the short reply, im so tired after my work, so ill sleep soon, over this weekend ill read all the posts again and write things down
You have to pay tax at the airport when you leave - 750 pesos, so make sure you have this on you.
Hi tony Im glad you got a good sense of humour and seen the light side of what i wrote and you didnt take anything the wrong way.Im glad ive got 1 friend on here now cuz i dont think anybody else on here like my sense of humuor and things i wrote about on this thread. I like to tell the truth and give a bit of advice with a bit of humour. At the end of the day thers a saying, if you were ment go your go and if your not ment to go you wont. But anyway if you go be carefull. You seem like a nice guy so dont let anybody ther take advantage of your good nature. Just remember when your out ther to be firm but nice and remember YOUR THE BOSS. Anyway have a great time and keep us informed on here on how its going and your welcome down my neck of the woods for a drink and a chat anytime and if your out ther another time when im ther your welcome to my place ther, but its right down south from wher your be but only 1hour flight from manila. Just another bit of advice, it would be good idea if you could get a member of your family or friend here in uk to be prepard to send you some money out via western union for emegancies if you run out of cash, n pay them back when you get home,it only takes a second to recieve the cash once sent from uk. Also theres a british consulate in angeles city if you wont to change your cert of no impediment to a local 1 if you end up getting married, it will save you going all the way back to manila to brit embassy. takecare mate. Igot day off today so off to pub for few pints of zomerzet zider![]()
thanks steve, will be good to see you there, ill be the guy melting to my knees and moaning water! water!
hi english rose, i think all this was included in the ticket price, correct me if im wrong,
Airport tax etc. Included
* The amount of taxes may vary and is composed of Airline Failure Insurance, Security/Insurance Surcharge, Fuel Surcharge and Departure Taxes from Country destination.
hi fella, thanks for your reply, ill keep that in mind about the consulate in angeles city, and yes im a good person, ive always been nice to everyone and im an animal lover, if i see a cat when im walking about ill always stop to give it a stroke, and yes people do try to take advantage of me and sometime i just go along with it, and im very vigulant, if theres somthing suspiciouse going on around me im usualy the first to realise, and yes i have a best mate that can help me out with cash if an emergency, ill start a new thread when im there in the phils,
well im off work now untill tuesday, time for a good rest, maybe hit the carboot sales, and relax by the river if theres nothing on tv
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