Quote Originally Posted by \\\\ToNy//// View Post
hi junior, no worries, my sense of humor is silly most of the time, abit like my dessisions and spelling so i can take most thangs that people say,
anyway, there be none of this going on if my back is itching ill use the bed post ,
i realy like everyones comments, is helping me to make better dessision,
to the one that asked earlier, the village is called brgy gomez or sta rosa,
sorry for the short reply, im so tired after my work, so ill sleep soon, over this weekend ill read all the posts again and write things down
Hi tony Im glad you got a good sense of humour and seen the light side of what i wrote and you didnt take anything the wrong way.Im glad ive got 1 friend on here now cuz i dont think anybody else on here like my sense of humuor and things i wrote about on this thread. I like to tell the truth and give a bit of advice with a bit of humour. At the end of the day thers a saying, if you were ment go your go and if your not ment to go you wont. But anyway if you go be carefull. You seem like a nice guy so dont let anybody ther take advantage of your good nature. Just remember when your out ther to be firm but nice and remember YOUR THE BOSS. Anyway have a great time and keep us informed on here on how its going and your welcome down my neck of the woods for a drink and a chat anytime and if your out ther another time when im ther your welcome to my place ther, but its right down south from wher your be but only 1hour flight from manila. Just another bit of advice, it would be good idea if you could get a member of your family or friend here in uk to be prepard to send you some money out via western union for emegancies if you run out of cash, n pay them back when you get home,it only takes a second to recieve the cash once sent from uk. Also theres a british consulate in angeles city if you wont to change your cert of no impediment to a local 1 if you end up getting married, it will save you going all the way back to manila to brit embassy. takecare mate. Igot day off today so off to pub for few pints of zomerzet zider