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Thread: going the the philippines on april 18, im british and have questions huhuhu

  1. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    Iunderstand what you mean, were all here to help each other in responding. but nobody can be serious about going 2 a third world country for 1 month on £100.If anybody were to go there on so little they could find themselfs in a lot of trouble if they coudnt change ther ticket home after they ran out of money.
    I think the clue to Tony's situation was in his first sentence when he mentioned it will be his first flight.
    He has not travelled a long way out of the UK so his naivety is easy to understand as he hasn't had anyone he trusts to give him the basic facts he needs.
    He has understood from his friends that the Philippines is not as rich as the UK, but they did not tell him how much money he will need when he gets there. They are probably encouraging him in his dreams, as he is marrying a friend's sister.
    I just hope he is reading all of the replies in this thread and to not be put off by everyone's replies, but to see them as friendly advice. After all, we are mostly seasoned hands at this and a few of us are better travelled than most.

    Tony, if you are reading this, do not think about marrying this lady until you have known her a while and have built up a lot of trust with her over time.
    Take your time and just go and have fun the first visit.
    Filipinas can capture your heart very easily, but you must temper your desires for the future with a dose of realism.
    If you enjoy her company face-to-face and she is a sensible lady, she will understand your financial situation and will back you up with your joint dream.
    You will need to build up "evidence of relationship" for her probable visa application, this takes time and everything needs to be documented and planned for.

    Everything can be done, but in the right way and unfortunately it will be an expensive adventure.
    So, don't go without £500 minimum and look for good solid work in the UK to fund your adventures.

  2. #62
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    If we see past the 100 quid what worries me is these friends of you who want you to marry the sister. It sounds like they happy to sub you to get her over...
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  3. #63
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    Also a good filipina that wants to marry a foreginer are hoping to better ther life and ther familys
    So all good filipinas are only in it for the money eh

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    So all good filipinas are only in it for the money eh
    Did i mention money. i said they want a better life. The point i was trying to make that a person dosent want fause hope in meeting somebody and getting ther hopes up and getting married if the person has no money to pay for it.Come on things cost a lot of money now days and certainly if you want to marry in phils or anywhere in the world.

  5. #65
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    Did i mention money. i said they want a better life. The point i was trying to make that a person dosent want fause hope in meeting somebody and getting ther hopes up and getting married if the person has no money to pay for it.Come on things cost a lot of money now days and certainly if you want to marry in phils or anywhere in the world.
    lol, where have you been hiding with such helpful advice.

    everybody as a different story and tony can learn by himself, i dont think he needs you to take the
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    Did i mention money. i said they want a better life. The point i was trying to make that a person dosent want fause hope in meeting somebody and getting ther hopes up and getting married if the person has no money to pay for it.Come on things cost a lot of money now days and certainly if you want to marry in phils or anywhere in the world.
    How does simply marrying a girl provide her family with a better life, unless it's financial? You're right though, weddings aint cheap.

  7. #67
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    How does simply marrying a girl provide her family with a better life, unless it's financial? You're right though, weddings aint cheap.
    filipinos are hard working people, and high percentage live and work abroad if its through being married to a foreginer or like most they have been lucky enough to find a job in another country and nearly all send money home to help ther familys.

  8. #68
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Now I don't want to throw the proverbial cat amoungst the pigeons......but..... Has anyone thought that Tony has been a little bit led astray by the sister, encouraging him to marry her sister just to try to get her back to the Uk ??
    I seroiusly think gullable and naive are words Tony ought to think about before he makes a mistake.

    I understand how that sounds, but please Tony, if you read this, take it in the way I have written it. I just hope you are not being taken advantage of. Time will tell.

  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    lol, where have you been hiding with such helpful advice.

    everybody as a different story and tony can learn by himself, i dont think he needs you to take the
    Im not taking the p...out of tony he doze need to learn by himself but like i said before it would be crazy going to a third world country on so little money and certainly to get married to somebody in a far away land that he has never been before which can cause a lot of probs with so little money.I would be the last person in the world that would want be in huge city like manila with no money im sure you would agree?...

  10. #70
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    The man is having a laugh. Funniset thing ive read for long time, made my day. HEEEEHEEE
    Pardon ME, but ... as regards Tony's thread, I've said this before - and I'll say it AGAIN! - we're here to help and advise others as best we can. Each of us is entitled to his/her own opinion ... but that does not give anyone licence to make disparaging remarks like the one mentioned above.

    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    Even if that is true, all the posts in response to this thread have not been in vain - there's much useful information for those who are serious about planning to visit the Philippines (and worthy of more than one rep know who you are !)
    Thank you, Alan. Indeed, many of our fellow members have put a lot of time and effort into giving sensible guidance and well-meaning advice to another ... on what is very possibly his first trip abroad.

  11. #71
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Pardon ME, but ... as regards Tony's thread, I've said this before - and I'll say it AGAIN! - we're here to help and advise others as best we can. Each of us is entitled to his/her own opinion ... but that does not give anyone licence to make disparaging remarks like the one mentioned above.

    Thank you, Alan. Indeed, many of our fellow members have put a lot of time and effort into giving sensible guidance and well-meaning advice to another ... on what is very possibly his first trip abroad.
    Im sorry for that message, but i did honestly think it was a joke questoin, but obviously not. Sorry again to tony.Just wondered if anybody has thought why dont his filipino friends he is going with give him inportant info that he needs, they are filipino so surely they would of told him about jabs n visas n cost and things.Sorry again to all the members and tony.We all make mistakes and say things from time to time we shoudnt have.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    Im sorry for that message, but i did honestly think it was a joke questoin, but obviously not. Sorry again to tony.Just wondered if anybody has thought why dont his filipino friends he is going with give him inportant info that he needs, they are filipino so surely they would of told him about jabs n visas n cost and things.Sorry again to all the members and tony.We all make mistakes and say things from time to time we shoudnt have.
    I doubt the avg Phill knows much about jabs and visas for Phill just like most Brits are clueless about UK Visas.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  13. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Now I don't want to throw the proverbial cat amoungst the pigeons......but..... Has anyone thought that Tony has been a little bit led astray by the sister, encouraging him to marry her sister just to try to get her back to the Uk ??
    I seroiusly think gullable and naive are words Tony ought to think about before he makes a mistake.

    I understand how that sounds, but please Tony, if you read this, take it in the way I have written it. I just hope you are not being taken advantage of. Time will tell.
    Im thinking the same Steve. Tony dont be rushed into anything have a good trip and take in everything going on around you.

    We say this Tony because we know the feeling of europhia and excitment meeting a magenda lady in a lovely warm sunny country while on Holiday. So just meet the sister and see hwo you get on but I would advise you to avoid getting to far ahead before you come back and think things though in the UK.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  14. #74
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    Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
    I doubt the avg Phill knows much about jabs and visas for Phill just like most Brits are clueless about UK Visas.
    True about the visas we dont. I was just wondering if tonys doctor that quoted him altogether £238 for his jabs is his friend that hes traveling to phils with? I think the filipinos that live in uk or anyother country would know all about the things tony needs to know because they certainley no a lot more than us brits, probably because they worked hard at school not like a vast majority of kids here.

  15. #75
    Respected Member belfast_dude's Avatar
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    tony...good luck..i mean it

  16. #76
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    This business about paying for jabs, before my first trip, I went to my local Health Centre, to find out which ones I'd need.
    They gave me a sheet of paper, which did have prices on it...needless to say, when I went back to have them a few weeks later, I was relieved I didn't have to pay.

    Tony don't be afraid to come back on here, (I'm sure he's probably looked in as a guest?) there have been some harsh words, but really members here are only looking out for your interests.

  17. #77
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    sim11uk is right...we are all here to help...take our advice in good faith...we want to help..

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Lucky girl i am sure

    I am also going to be there then, where you staying ?
    He certainly wont be staying in the manila hotel with £100 to last a month. She must be the luckiest girl in phils i bet she cant wait to pay for everything when her future husband arrives.

  19. #79
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    as i've said before, he needs to start sorting his money problems out now, and find a part time job or a better paid job, if he has little money, how will he be able to pay for the visa and flight and support his wife in the UK??

    reality check time

    it will be difficult but not impossible.. so dont give up,he just needs to start planning now..

  20. #80
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
    Even if that is true, all the posts in response to this thread have not been in vain - there's much useful information for those who are serious about planning to visit the Philippines (and worthy of more than one rep know who you are !)
    Nobody can be serious about going to philppines on £100 even if they are staying at someones house. Come on be realistic about this.I hope tony can see the light side of everything thats been said on this thread and dosent take anything to hart. But take my advice tony unless you have at least £1000 dont even think about going to phils.Im not trying to sound like mr no it all cuz thers a lot im still learning about phils, but i have lived ther on and off for 5years. But you would be foolish going to phils if you havent done your home work and you only have £100 or so.

  21. #81
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    He certainly wont be staying in the manila hotel with £100 to last a month. She must be the luckiest girl in phils i bet she cant wait to pay for everything when her future husband arrives.
    give it a rest please i'm sure hes got the message by now , bit of encouragement instead..

  22. #82
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    I spent over 20 minutes writing a substantial post on the pitfalls of such an enterprise, and the damn thing just refreshed and disappeared from the screen...!!!!

  23. #83
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    i never lose anything dom, just login again..

    maybe its caused by the chatbox refreshing?

  24. #84
    Respected Member \\\\ToNy////'s Avatar
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    im here,thanks again guys for all the comment, ive read every one, i would be takeing £lots of cash if i had it but the only thongs ill be buying is mmmmm well maybe a t shirt or 2 and maybe some music, as i said before one of there family is picking us up from the airport, and they will feed me, but the thing im cheesed off about is my doctors saying i have to pay for the vaccinesshould i ask them why i have to pay and others dont, on the sheet was a site that suposed to say vaccines i need, but isnt that clear to me,,
    anyway, if i dont get a visa how much is the fine ill get in the philippines?.
    the wedding would only be a registy office thing, and yes i would prefer to get to know her first before getting married but didnt want to tell her no because how sensative she is, and i have the (no impediment to marrage) sheet,
    if i am being used, it dosnt matter to me, ill just take it as a lesson and move on again with a broken heart and good and bad memories, is like playing the lotto,i wont win but the hope helps me carry on,

  25. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by \\\\ToNy//// View Post
    playing the lotto,i wont win but the hope helps me carry on,
    Sorry to hear that Tony! I won in a lottery for the 4th time today but match 3 only. If it was match 5, I'll give you 500 pounds.

    Don't loose your hope as I got 10 bets today for wednesday and Friday.

  26. #86
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Maybe spend the £100 on the lotto, you might make some extra cash.....or not

  27. #87
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    one general piece if advice re the jabs is to go to your local clap clinic- where they will do your hep jabs for free for sure and give you free condoms to boot unless you want lil tonys running around wanting to be fed

    £100 in total seems madness to me- i budget that for a day over there but we all have different ideas of what we can survive on

  28. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by \\\\ToNy//// View Post
    :... have the (no impediment to marrage) sheet, ....,
    If you're planning on getting married while you're there, do you realise you need to get the certificate of no impediment converted to a local filipino one at the embassy/consulate? This on its own will wipe out of half the £100 you're taking I'm afraid mate.

  29. #89
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    Maybe spend the £100 on the lotto, you might make some extra cash.....or not
    I think maybe it would be better to send your intended the £100 via western union, im sure she wil be happier with that than being with someone that thinks its a game like the lotto planing on marrying etc.Then save your £100 again and go to butlins for a week, at least ther you wont get into serious trouble like immigration etc if you run out of money.Get real son if your thinking about going to philippines to get married.

  30. #90
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    I think maybe it would be better to send your intended the £100 via western union, im sure she wil be happier with that than being with someone that thinks its a game like the lotto planing on marrying etc.Then save your £100 again and go to butlins for a week, at least ther you wont get into serious trouble like immigration etc if you run out of money.Get real son if your thinking about going to philippines to get married.
    it wasn't tony who first mentioned a lottery
    £100 will not get you more than a couple of days at butlins
    i think everyone whos posted on here has told him £100 is not enough
    i hope tony does realise the reality of the situation now..

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