Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
Now I don't want to throw the proverbial cat amoungst the pigeons......but..... Has anyone thought that Tony has been a little bit led astray by the sister, encouraging him to marry her sister just to try to get her back to the Uk ??
I seroiusly think gullable and naive are words Tony ought to think about before he makes a mistake.

I understand how that sounds, but please Tony, if you read this, take it in the way I have written it. I just hope you are not being taken advantage of. Time will tell.
Im thinking the same Steve. Tony dont be rushed into anything have a good trip and take in everything going on around you.

We say this Tony because we know the feeling of europhia and excitment meeting a magenda lady in a lovely warm sunny country while on Holiday. So just meet the sister and see hwo you get on but I would advise you to avoid getting to far ahead before you come back and think things though in the UK.