im here,thanks again guys for all the comment, ive read every one, i would be takeing £lots of cash if i had it but the only thongs ill be buying is mmmmm well maybe a t shirt or 2 and maybe some music, as i said before one of there family is picking us up from the airport, and they will feed me, but the thing im cheesed off about is my doctors saying i have to pay for the vaccinesshould i ask them why i have to pay and others dont, on the sheet was a site that suposed to say vaccines i need, but isnt that clear to me,,
anyway, if i dont get a visa how much is the fine ill get in the philippines?.
the wedding would only be a registy office thing, and yes i would prefer to get to know her first before getting married but didnt want to tell her no because how sensative she is, and i have the (no impediment to marrage) sheet,
if i am being used, it dosnt matter to me, ill just take it as a lesson and move on again with a broken heart and good and bad memories, is like playing the lotto,i wont win but the hope helps me carry on,