Quote Originally Posted by \\\\ToNy//// View Post
my heads spinning after reading all that, well ive just checked how much cash ill have, should be £200/£300, her brother and wife will help me if im short of chash, as she offered to pay for my flight at the end of last year but i would feel guilty so i said its ok ill pay, im in this mess with money because last year i was made redundant and didnt find a new job until october, costs about £40 per week petrol so has been next to impossible to save money because my wage is minimum wage, this year i hope to find a better job thats closer to home, installing car audio ect,

then to manila, and from there one of the family will pick us up in the car
They know he is strapped granted it may be a marriage scam but that doesnt affect the money story might not be for you or me but thats not the same as going blind with other expectations on him even if he marries shes not gonna get a spouse visa any time soon If Tony is reporting accuratly its a supported trip