Hi its medical,hygiene,tradition and beliefs!They do it normally on babies or pre-adolescent boys - the great majority of men who have experienced sex when they have a foreskin would never tolerate having it removed. In the Philippines, it has strong elements of a "rite of passage" to manhood, though once he has healed, very little about a boy's life actually changes. At present, peer-pressure, parental pressure, medical pressure and the stigma against being supót (intact) make childhood circumcision almost - but not quite - inevitable.
Other people think that your baby will be always be ill and many morning glory.Some think you will get infection if you dont circumcise.
Some parents think that having their children circumcised could make them taller or bigger. What could a piece of skin in the penis do to stimulate growth? The truth of the matter is, no matter how long the prepuce is cut you will not be slender if your father and mother are 'stunted'.Because most circumcision is done at the age when boys grow in spurts, fast growth would be attributed to the circumcision.
Some parents think that by circumcision, the boy’s testicles would develop and so would the size of his penis. Fathers have this ambition of which they have not accomplished probably. [This is not true.] It doesn’t matter. But if yours is a miniature statue of Liberty so would your sons. No amount of tuliation could do something about the size.
Its so painful blood ritual, i even watch my cousin before did it...haha..They did it coz they are shy to be called SUPOT by his friends and family..Also some woman said it feels good when ur making love with a circumcised man than not...Is it true???haha...
When i havent met my asawa before me and my friends had a conversation about what they like,circumsized man or not..Ofcourse all of them saying they like circumsized.Some think its for hygiene coz they think if your skin still there its so hard to clean hehe!Then some thinks it has a bad smell.
When my friends are talking about it i just shut up and just listen coz im shy but my beliefs has change coz i love my asawa so much and got knowledge about it..I just think this filipino beliefs is not true..Anyway my asawa is so F@ckin' sarap in bedroom and wont ask for more..hehe
It's all the wrong way round isn't it? As with all body parts, if you wash properly you have no problem, if it stinks then the woman/mans hygiene levels are low for everything.
It is the womans bits that carry the most hygiene problems, being close to the water and ass'ole, plus all women have yeast and other infections at some point because it is difficult to wash inside your...erm...![]()
.... whereas a
skin or not is easy to clean..... so it should be the females who suffer the child abuse and mutilation.
Keith - Administrator
yeaahhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!But no more sensation boss!
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qDJyZ...eature=related -Women circumcision![]()
Absit invidia
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