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Thread: Just lodged my spouse visa application:)

  1. #1
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    Just lodged my spouse visa application:)

    Hi everyone! just lodged my visa application on March 23,2010. March 29 I recieved a txt message from VFS that my application is under process at the british embassy.... I hope it won't take long........ It's been over a year since my husband last visit .......Anyone has an idea how long will it take b4 decision usually served after this message.?....... Sorry guys .........I just feel so anxious about it... I had my refusals before...... But still hoping for the best.....In Gods will

    Just wanna share this feelings with you guys... I know U beter understand more than anybody else..............................

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    hello charmingprinces!
    hope you're well. i agree with you that it gives you too much stress and anxiousness while you're waiting for the result of your application because we are on the same situation. I had lodged my application feb 08 and on feb 13, i received same message as yours. until now we havent got the decision yet. they maybe taking time to decide because of my circumstances that i had posted here for advice before. having said that, i am still hoping and praying that we will get a positive result.
    Good luck to you're application.

  3. #3
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    my wife lodge her application aug 8,2009 and same she received a message from vfs that the application was at the embassy. after 32 days she received again a message from vfs that ......processed visa and couriered via 2go.

  4. #4
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    to donnabelvaldeo and charmingprincess,

    good luck to both of you, if all the papers are complete so no need to worry about.
    hope u too will have a positive result. so u can be here in uk too, my wife and i are very happy now here in uk..

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by charmingprinces View Post

    Hi everyone! just lodged my visa application on March 23,2010. March 29 I recieved a txt message from VFS that my application is under process at the british embassy.... I hope it won't take long........ It's been over a year since my husband last visit .......Anyone has an idea how long will it take b4 decision usually served after this message.?....... Sorry guys .........I just feel so anxious about it... I had my refusals before...... But still hoping for the best.....In Gods will

    Just wanna share this feelings with you guys... I know U beter understand more than anybody else..............................
    Most of us here are only too well-aware of the pain and heartache wrought by the enforced separation of couples involved in long-distance relationships ... and, from re-reading your previous threads, it's very evident you and your husband have had a harder time than most. However, I'm sure you've completed your application in accordance with the sound advice given to you on this forum ... in which case, I believe you can be optimistic about its outcome.

    A waiting period of between 4 & 6 weeks would seem probable - although this is a rough guess, based on recent feedback we've had from successful applicants. So for now, try to relax and keep faith that it will, indeed, be third time lucky!!!

  6. #6
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    well i am part of the waiting club also

    Myrna submitted her application to the VFS this morning and this evening recieved a text alert from them saying that her app had been dispatched to the brit embassy for processing

  7. #7
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    And to Donna: I am already familiar with YOUR circumstances ... and imagine the delay you're experiencing is due to the Embassy's consideration of the additional information you referred to in a previous thread - and which you presumably supplied them with, on request. But I'm quietly confident you won't have to wait much longer for a positive result ... so chin up!

  8. #8
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    thank you arthur little. i'm really hoping and praying that we would get positive result.

  9. #9
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    Just wanted to say good luck to you both.

    Given that Yam has just received her visa, we know exactly what you guys are all going through and all I can say is the day you get that visa definitely makes all that nervous waiting worth it! :-)

  10. #10
    Respected Member liane's Avatar
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    charming princess, donnabelvaldeo, sparky (myrna), and lovejoy:

    Good luck on your application and hope you could get positive results soon
    Though you do not write books, you are the writer of your life. Because everything depends on YOU.

  11. #11
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    Thank you guys!

    Thank you guys for the support.... I really appreciate evrything u said.

    I'll let you know the outcome as soon as as possible..........

    and to everyone who has submitted application.....God bless To all of us!!!

  12. #12
    Member mheanRanola's Avatar
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    in my case i loged my application jan.25 2010 and i recieved my visa march 4, 2010.... but on my passport the validity of my visa is feb 26, 2010 - may 26 2012.... so the decision was made one month to be exact.... goodluck on your application hope it wont take too long... i know how it feels.. the agony of waiting.. just wait... keep yourself busy and be positive

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