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Thread: help, please

  1. #1
    Trusted Member stevewool's Avatar
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    help, please

    hi we have filled in the forms for a fiancee visa , just some final things to ask, on which date to travel??? any date after 2 months do we put??, passport issuing authority for myself is that IPS on my passport says that????, does emma intend to work in the uk ?? answer yes as soon as allowed???,my paasport and other things, bank statement and so on can i use copies for everything or do i have to send the proper paperwork , i am in england and emma is in the philippines, and what is the cost well first down payment should i say, has any one heard of kanoo foreignexchange also about using them to send money to the phils, thanks to all

  2. #2
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by stevewool View Post
    hi we have filled in the forms for a fiancee visa , just some final things to ask, on which date to travel??? any date after 2 months do we put??, passport issuing authority for myself is that IPS on my passport says that????, does emma intend to work in the uk ?? answer yes as soon as allowed???,my paasport and other things, bank statement and so on can i use copies for everything or do i have to send the proper paperwork , i am in england and emma is in the philippines, and what is the cost well first down payment should i say, has any one heard of kanoo foreignexchange also about using them to send money to the phils, thanks to all
    If you've used a hard copy [as it would seem you HAVE] then simply insert "As Soon As Possible After Visa Has Been Issued" ... or words to that effect ... unless you have a *specific date in mind. Should *this be the case, however, it doesn't necessarily follow that Emma will receive her visa BY the date requested. But, there again, it COULD just as easily arrive EARLIER - within reason, and depending on the Embassy's workload at that particular time.

    As regards Bank Statements and other paperwork, I rather suspect ORIGINALS will be required ... although, given your current location in the UK, it SHOULD be acceptable to send notarised copies of your passport.

    Currently the fee is Php 43,875 - payable by Manager's Cheque - but this amount is likely to increase next month. I, personally, haven't heard of Kanoo Foreign Exchange ... but others will be able to advise you as to the best method of transferring money to an account in the Phils.

    Good luck with your application.

  3. #3
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    Hi - we put in a date 6 weeks after the application for travel - it was issued within 2 weeks and the visa was valid from the day he collected it, so he is travelling (one day) before the date we requested....

    For passport - I scanned a copy and printed it in colour - it wasn't notarised, they only ask for a copy of the passport - but bank stuff and housing papers should be originals, you will also need to submit photocopies (separatley) in order to get your originals back.

    Good luck

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Manila; Davao; Manchester
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    i applied june 2009, i wrote august 2009

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