Quote Originally Posted by Jamesey View Post
BA cabin crew are some of the best paid in the industry. If they don't like their jobs, they should just go and find a new one! We're in a recession. The rest of us have had to cope with pay cuts, redundancies and changes in working practices. Why should they be any different, just because their work has a direct impact on the public?

These type of militant unions are an anachronism. I agree that in the past, unions have had a huge positive impact on workers rights, workplace safety, fair wages, etc. They still have their place today, but not to the extent of calling strikes.

I have zero sympathy with the BA cabin crew.

I've a mate who's a Qualified BA Aircraft Engineer at Heathrow and there is precious little sympathy there for these overpaid waiters and waitresses - some of the so called "Cabin Service Directors" are on £70000 a year responsible for serving a few First Class passengers and pressing the reset button on the entertainment system