iPhone! but I know everyone seems to love to hate them here! They do 16GB and 32GB, why would you need any more memory than that unless you want it to hold as much music as larger memory iPods! Mine is 16GB which is more than a lot of phones and I've hardly used any of it so far.

Ive heard the Nokia X6 is meant to be good and of course various HTC's too. I would avoid ones with little joysticks like some Sony Erriksons and Blackberrys seem to have as they always seem to break/fall apart. Try & read decent on-lone reviews and once you've narrowed it down, find a shop that has them all, say that you are definitely are going to get one, but would like a little demo and play on each to decide.

You're lucky if you can change your phone once a year as here now all contracts are 18 and 24 months.