On the menu bar above .... that way.... We now have Members Map ...
What is this?
It is Google Map incorporated into the forum now, that only REGISTERED users can view. It allows you to add your location to the map so you can see if anyone is in your area, or where your other half lives so you can look around.
WARNING: DO NOT include your real location, just close to it, and a picture of the local area.
How to use:
Click the link and the Googlemap window will appear. The map will have markers on it, clicking these tells you who it is, and may contain a picture. Different levels of membership have different colours.
To add your own location click [Your Entry], and fill in the White blank boxes. Ignore Current Zoom this is set by default.
Zoom into your location the usual way, clicking on the map with center it, and a marker will automatically appear.
Marker title: This is the title of your location, use your username or name. *REQUIRED*
Latitude & Longitude: Set automatically as you move the marker so ignore. *REQUIRED*
Marker text: This is a description of you, your location, etc. Just waffle*REQUIRED*
URL of the image for the marker: This is not required, but add a pic of your area to the location tab. Just find a pic on Google Images and link to it. You cannot upload an image.