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Thread: Why this country is rapidly going down the toilet

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    Angry Why this country is rapidly going down the toilet

    A 66 great-grandmother was taken to court, fined £1,000, placed under curfew and ordered to wear an electronic tag for two months - her crime .....unwittingly selling a goldfish to a 14 year old boy

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  2. #2
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I think that there was more to it than just the goldfish issue. There was also an instance where she sold a hamster to a girl with learning difficulties who put the hamster in a plastic cup with a lid and killed it. Also she kept a cockateel in the shop, not noticing that it had a broken leg and a badly diseased eye. The bird had to be destroyed. I think there is a neglect issue and animal suffering to consider also. How do you run a pet shop without noticing or giving the correct advice to those who buy pets.
    As a fish freak myself, I hate to see my fish suffer if they get injured, and humanely attend to them. I think after listening to her on Jeremy Vine this afternoon, she was not at all ready to take any blame or responsibility.

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    just watched in the news... same reaction from hubby... this country is going nuts he said...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    I think that there was more to it than just the goldfish issue.
    As a fish freak myself, I hate to see my fish suffer if they get injured, and humanely attend to them.
    OK Steve, you're a piscophile and so was the 14 year old boy, she is being punished for NOT being a piscophile
    (Piscophile means lover of fish)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve.r View Post
    I think that there was more to it than just the goldfish issue. There was also an instance where she sold a hamster to a girl with learning difficulties who put the hamster in a plastic cup with a lid and killed it. Also she kept a cockateel in the shop, not noticing that it had a broken leg and a badly diseased eye. The bird had to be destroyed. I think there is a neglect issue and animal suffering to consider also. How do you run a pet shop without noticing or giving the correct advice to those who buy pets.
    As a fish freak myself, I hate to see my fish suffer if they get injured, and humanely attend to them. I think after listening to her on Jeremy Vine this afternoon, she was not at all ready to take any blame or responsibility.
    Was she charged and convicted over any of these other issues you mention ?

  6. #6
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    Was she charged and convicted over any of these other issues you mention ?
    If you read the article you posted, you will see that yes she was along with the fish, she was charged with neglect to the cockateel!

    Typical reactionary nonsense, from the Daily Mail.

    Have to say though, in instances like this, they should be able to issue instant fines, instead of tagging her & dragging her through the courts.

  7. #7
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    I was not disagreeing with the sentiments, Yes I agree the tagging was well overboard, a fine should have been enough, but it goes to show how our tax ££'s are being wasted by our councils who obviously have nothing better to do.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    If you read the article you posted, you will see that yes she was along with the fish, she was charged with neglect to the cockateel!

    Typical reactionary nonsense, from the Daily Mail.

    Have to say though, in instances like this, they should be able to issue instant fines, instead of tagging her & dragging her through the courts.
    Here is The Daily Handwringers slant on it - does that make it less reactionary, less nonsense, more politically correct and more palatable to you ?

  9. #9
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    If you read the article you posted, you will see that yes she was along with the fish, she was charged with neglect to the cockateel!

    Typical reactionary nonsense, from the Daily Mail.

    Have to say though, in instances like this, they should be able to issue instant fines, instead of tagging her & dragging her through the courts.
    got to agree with you Si,

    the pet store owners know the law, you complain dedworth when people are not prosecuted, and when they are you complain ...

    yes they should have been fined, but tagging and going to court is

    but then how many times have they been warned b4

    not far from me Trafford ..

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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    the pet store owners know the law, you complain dedworth when people are not prosecuted, and when they are you complain ...

    Nut and Sledgehammer though Joe. But it's very insignificant compared to the Germs the Guardianista allow to roam our streets

    A SOMALI jailed for sheltering a policewoman's killer won the right to stay in Britain yesterday.

    Outrage erupted after Hewan Gordon, 38, won an appeal against a Government bid to deport him.

    Gordon had served 18 months' jail for giving refuge to evil Muzzaker Shah, one of the gang which shot dead PC Sharon Beshenivsky in Bradford in 2005.

  11. #11
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    your right about that, hardly a day goes by without hearing a news story similar to this..

    well maybe if the tories get in they will end this

    the law needs changing so the Home Secretary has the powers to over turn any court ruling in the interest of public opinion, or we pull out of the EU and end this human rights , they lost their rights when they committed a crime

  12. #12
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Trafford is a Tory council and its likely the magistrate was to
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Trafford is a Tory council and its likely the magistrate was to
    the only tory thing around my area

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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    A 66 great-grandmother was taken to court, fined £1,000, placed under curfew and ordered to wear an electronic tag for two months - her crime .....unwittingly selling a goldfish to a 14 year old boy

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    Have you seen what they do to you in Afghanistan for doing that?? You still cant beat old blighty, even if you do get tagged and fined for selling a gold fish to a minor Maybe the magistrate was a member of the raving loony GREEN party

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    A 66 great-grandmother was taken to court, fined £1,000, placed under curfew and ordered to wear an electronic tag for two months - her crime .....unwittingly selling a goldfish to a 14 year old boy

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    I just love the headline of this post. Made me laugh. I mean its about a goldfish and your talking about the country going down the toilet. All goldfish end up in the sea anyways.

    I would say she is an illegal fish dealer. She is no different than a drug dealer. She is selling an illegal immigrant (the fish in this case) to a 14 y/o boy and he could get addicted and buy more

    You know what they say. Once you flush one goldfish you have to buy another. Then you are hooked line and sinker.
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  16. #16
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    I agree that this is outrageous, she should have been hung or put in the electric chair, and the goldfish aswell, (ok I'm joking..)

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  17. #17
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Gkad your back Nigel youve been missed
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  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by keithAngel View Post
    Gkad your back Nigel youve been missed
    nigel's treatment must have finished

    still optimistic as ever

  19. #19
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    If you heard the interview on Radio 2 you`ll know that the do-gooding tree hugging hippie vegetarian brigade called in a few times and they made quite clear that every animal should be treated the same no matter how large or small. They agreed with the punishment she received.
    Without them lot this country would be alot better. One of my work mates step-son has been in and out of court for the last few years but never locked up. He`s 21 now I beleive. Its the do-gooders that find another reason for someone to commit a crime other than the fact that they`re scum. The last thing he did was filling up a supermarket trolley and leaving without paying. The good value was about £200. Still not locked up though. Everyone know he needs to go to prison and have a good kicking or and then maybe he`ll change. Currently he has no detterent. Thanks do-gooders

  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    If you heard the interview on Radio 2 you`ll know that the do-gooding tree hugging hippie vegetarian brigade called in a few times and they made quite clear that every animal should be treated the same no matter how large or small. They agreed with the punishment she received.
    Without them lot this country would be alot better. One of my work mates step-son has been in and out of court for the last few years but never locked up. He`s 21 now I beleive. Its the do-gooders that find another reason for someone to commit a crime other than the fact that they`re scum. The last thing he did was filling up a supermarket trolley and leaving without paying. The good value was about £200. Still not locked up though. Everyone know he needs to go to prison and have a good kicking or and then maybe he`ll change. Currently he has no detterent. Thanks do-gooders
    i've been a vegetarian most of my life, and i'm not a hippie, or a tree hugger

    but like i said before, go to any country that doesn't have animals rights and see the abuse and then come back and tell me you still think the same

    i'll not post any links because it might put you off your tea

    don't blame the veggies for letting people off lightly, thats because the prisons are full, if you dont want to do the time, dont do the crime

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    Ever been fishing Joe? As a kid? Did you see what kids do to fish sometimes?
    If you`re after bait, dead or alive to catch pike its not nice. Some they rip the hooks from the fish and leave their mouths torn apart. If its swallowed the hook then the guts get pulled out too. A lovely sight. It happens all the time but kids arnt banned from fishing or given asbos for doing it.
    I`m assuming the people that sell them a fishing licence are adults just like the shopkeeper?
    Maybe we should have some river police to stop it happening. That would be a nice way spend more taxes.
    Its laughable that someone could possibly be in prison for " wrongly selling a goldfish to a minor"
    I remember how bad society was years ago when I use to go to the fair and win a goldfish. All the knife crime and violence, hmmmm.

  22. #22
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    nope never fished in my life .

    as for the goldfish, what if it was a puppy or a parrot ? does it make any difference, you want to exclude fish ?

    wrongly selling ? they didnt ask his age, is that an excuse ? not asking..

    Under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 it is illegal to sell pets - including goldfish - to children under the age of 16 unless they are accompanied by an adult

    if they knew this then its their own fault, just like those who sell glue, knifes, fireworks, cigs or booze to under age kids, there is obviously a reason why they have the animal welfare act, yes she should have got fined, its ridiculous to tag her thou.

    now if your 14yr old came home with a puppy that they had bought from a pet shop, would you be complaining then ?

    They sent the 14-year-old schoolboy into the shop to carry out a test purchase and Mr Higgins sold him the goldfish without questioning his age or providing any information about the care of the fish.

    A council officer in the shop at the time also noticed a cockatiel in a cage that appeared to be in a poor state of health. A vet found the bird had a broken leg and eye problems. It was later put down.

    Mrs Higgins and her son were charged with selling the fish to a person aged under 16 and with causing unnecessary suffering to a cockatiel by failing to provide appropriate care and treatment.

    now you still think she should not have been charged with anything ?? i would be if my daughter came home with a goldfish or puppy without me or my misses being there..

  23. #23
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    Quote Originally Posted by adam&chryss View Post
    Ever been fishing Joe? As a kid? Did you see what kids do to fish sometimes?
    If you`re after bait, dead or alive to catch pike its not nice. Some they rip the hooks from the fish and leave their mouths torn apart. If its swallowed the hook then the guts get pulled out too. A lovely sight. It happens all the time but kids arnt banned from fishing or given asbos for doing it.
    I`m assuming the people that sell them a fishing licence are adults just like the shopkeeper?
    Maybe we should have some river police to stop it happening. That would be a nice way spend more taxes.
    Its laughable that someone could possibly be in prison for " wrongly selling a goldfish to a minor"
    I remember how bad society was years ago when I use to go to the fair and win a goldfish. All the knife crime and violence, hmmmm.

    Yeah!! Guilty as charged..There was no way I was risking sticking my hand anywhere near that Pikes gob..Rip the thing out!! We used to catch em with spinners BTW.
    So cant you win a Gold fish at a fair these days?

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    So cant you win a Gold fish at a fair these days?
    yes you can, i've seen them, but whether they will let a kid have one without an adult i dont know..

    fred i've seen some really bad animal cruelty in the phils, especially in a 'zoo' and in a pet shop , the zoo , soon as i got back home, i tried to find if there was any organisation i could complain to it was that bad.. even my misses was shocked

    cock fighting was banned in England in 1835, but with people starving who gives a about animal rights

  25. #25
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Winning goldfish at fairs, Is pretty much down to local councils, a fair is visiting. I have some knowledge of this, but I think there are still grey areas.

    It will probably be banned soon?

    From what I've heard & know, many Showmen are keen to dispense good advice about care of goldfish, that have been won on their stalls.

    ...Probably many don't?

  26. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    nope never fished in my life .

    as for the goldfish, what if it was a puppy or a parrot ? does it make any difference, you want to exclude fish ?

    wrongly selling ? they didnt ask his age, is that an excuse ? not asking..

    Under the Animal Welfare Act 2006 it is illegal to sell pets - including goldfish - to children under the age of 16 unless they are accompanied by an adult

    if they knew this then its their own fault, just like those who sell glue, knifes, fireworks, cigs or booze to under age kids, there is obviously a reason why they have the animal welfare act, yes she should have got fined, its ridiculous to tag her thou.

    now if your 14yr old came home with a puppy that they had bought from a pet shop, would you be complaining then ?

    They sent the 14-year-old schoolboy into the shop to carry out a test purchase and Mr Higgins sold him the goldfish without questioning his age or providing any information about the care of the fish.

    A council officer in the shop at the time also noticed a cockatiel in a cage that appeared to be in a poor state of health. A vet found the bird had a broken leg and eye problems. It was later put down.

    Mrs Higgins and her son were charged with selling the fish to a person aged under 16 and with causing unnecessary suffering to a cockatiel by failing to provide appropriate care and treatment.

    now you still think she should not have been charged with anything ?? i would be if my daughter came home with a goldfish or puppy without me or my misses being there..
    I understand she should be charged with the cockatiel part, of course animal suffering isnt good. Just as the girl with learning difficulties shouldnt have been sold the hamster or whatever it was. God only knows why a girl like that was out alone if her disability was that bad.
    I dont suppose her parents or carers got into trouble.
    The goldfish hadnt been harmed and there was no reason to beleive it had been especially as the kid was sent in by the authorities.
    So as it stands you cant buy a goldfish if you`re under 16 and not with your parents but you can go to a fair, of which there are many soon, and win one and its ok?
    I dont know if thats true but like if it is then it really is up!

  27. #27
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    well some laws in this country are really , thats with having British laws and Euro laws, soon or later one will have to go

    i wouldn't want my kids coming home with a puppy or kitten or any pet, then having to try and get the pet shop to take it back,also what about those who buy a puppy or kitten for xmas then when they are bored with it, throw it on the streets

    as my misses says, prevention is better than a cure.. so no kids should be able to buy an animal on their own, it makes common sense, and if pet shop owners need fining then its thier fault..

  28. #28
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    Winning goldfish at fairs, Is pretty much down to local councils, a fair is visiting. I have some knowledge of this, but I think there are still grey areas.

    It will probably be banned soon?

    From what I've heard & know, many Showmen are keen to dispense good advice about care of goldfish, that have been won on their stalls.

    ...Probably many don't?
    Showmen dispense good advice on gold fish welfare??
    This thread is just plain bizarre!!

  29. #29
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    cock fighting was banned in England in 1835, but with people starving who gives a about animal rights
    Ive been keeping a look out for all these starving people but cant seem to find any Joe.. All I can see is fallow land and weeds growing everywhere..
    I thought it might be an ownership issue so I offered some people here the use of a portion of land that belongs to me for the purpose of growing food.. No one has taken me up on that offer..
    Perhaps they are too starving to work? I dunno!

    About the cock fighting thing...I was asked if I could research the English breed as it would be worth a lot of money here.. I reckon they dont exist anymore in England,but imagine if they did...Im sure we could give those Texas birds a good kicking eh!!
    This time next year Joe,we could be millionaires!

  30. #30
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Showmen dispense good advice on gold fish welfare??
    This thread is just plain bizarre!!
    Hey Fred, only mentioned this, as I know quite a lot of showmen. One particularly was stressing, how much information he would give someone who won...Was just letting you know, seeing you asked.

    There aren't that many doing it now.

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