Whats the best thing about uk,apart from are strict laws on goldfish selling??
Whats the best thing about uk,apart from are strict laws on goldfish selling??
Departure at the airport......
...... same as Manilla.......
I'm stuck in a void in the middle
Keith - Administrator
That's not an easy one to answer these days![]()
traditional english food and ales... after that I'm a bit stuck to think of much else.
Dont you just love all the tax,save your money and we will tax you on that,pay into a private pension for years and we will tax you on that.Fall ill in old age and we will sell your house to keep you,the list goes on and on,and as for goldfish,what can I say.
I supose the best thing about uk is Gorden brown getting thenext month.But who do you replace him with, TORYS, GREENPARTY OR BNP, and the rest. Time to
The people, the weather, the football, the comedy, the drama, and fact we are never happy unless we are moaning about something![]()
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
Zider for sure, but I seriously think the beautiful Jurassic Coastline where I spend lots of my time fishing.![]()
What about the GREAT British satire humour? No one understands it at first..but then...
For Filipina's, surely it's a joy to be married to a Brit guy who wont necessarily make all the decisions? My Vimvie doesn't seem to like the fact that I'm like that, and I don't understand why?![]()
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
aaaaaaaaaaaaaah!!.....uuuummmmmmmmmmmmm!!...can i have a different question please?
I love this question cos of the predictable responses. " oh its so bad and the taxes blah blah blah "
Change the record eh?
Unless you`re serving time at Her Majestys Pleasure then i`m sure you`re free to leave and test the grass on the other side. I`m guessing that most, if not all of the people commenting on how terrible it is here are still living here and through choice too?
I agree with Arthur about the NHS.
Completely agreeJust as well I haven't had to leap to the defense of the NHS because I would say that, wouldn't I !
We've had a few heartbreaking examples on the forum recently where not only have our friends in the Philippines had to cope with illness but also had to agonize over how to pay for treatment
Agreed, I think we spawn a country of moaning wingers.
Staying in Phil at present, there's plenty I miss about home, the list is endless. Food, Football, good transport, choices in most things in life that you just cant get here. The choices here are often bad, or worse!![]()
Going to work on bad weather condition with strong wind pushing me into wrong direction.
In the Philippines, no work !!!! stay at home during bad weather.![]()
the best thing about the uk??? well i have a job pays good and i work hard to save hard so i can get to the philippines quicker before i am to old to enjoy life ,
Guess again..I`m guessing that most, if not all of the people commenting on how terrible it is here are still living here and through choice too?
I have had numerous visitors from the UK over the last 3 years and not one of them had much positive to say about what has become of their home land..Many of them had no wish to go home but as they have no choice must do so..
I have many friends that have joined us in the mass exodus..Some have businesses in Thailand,Spain and others jobs in Malasia,Hong kong and the U.S. 25 years ago they probably would not have dreamed of doing so..
There are thousands of Brit pensioners living here in P.I and they look so damned happy and full of colour!! (especially here in Bohol)
I have a friend from Alaska here that lives here 6 months a year but still loves to go home for the other 6...As an Alaskan resident he gets an automatic share in his states oil profits..(Aprox $18,000)This amount is MORE than enough to finance his trips back here in P.I... Can you imagine that happening in the UK?
He loves his country..I truly envy him.
patriotic fred
most of us talk about going living in the phils, but most of us have only ever been for a few weeks each year, going to visit and living there are 2 different things, ask them again after they have been their for months once the honeymoon period has worn off and when they can't find jobs and their living on their savings, most of us are not loaded like you fred
what's good about the UK, as others have said, the NHS, TV, Benefits system, my misses feels safer in the UK than the phils, she likes the weather in the UK, the scenery in the uk, internet connection we'll have a 50mb connection next week fred
, pay - I earn alot more in the UK than i could in the phils and my misses when she finds a fulltime job she will get paid at least *10 the pay she would get in the phils. you can drink water from the tap
, laws (except the euro crap ones) animal rights unlike the phils
, emergency services
yes even the police . not much poverty here compared to the phils - social services, etc,,,,
why don't you ask some filipinos who live near you fred, if they want to come and live in the UK, see how many want to and why...
and if the uk is sowhy are people still risking their lives sneaking in lorries to cross the channel ?
and things can only get better in the UK![]()
Joe..Theres a few things that perhaps we should get straight...
First thing is that it makes no difference to me where people on this forum choose to live or for what reasons..If you are happy where YOU are then for goodness sake stay..Horses for courses.
In regards to your comments about me being loaded..Now cmon Joe..You really have no way of knowing my personal financial circumstances and dont forget I was a Painter and decorator for the majority of my working life so where do you think all this cash is coming from?? A lottery win perhaps?
I wish it had of been as it would have saved me a whole load of work load!!
We all know that we cannot earn good money In the P.I simply by being employed here,but that doesn't mean that you cannot earn far more than the average UK Brit if you know how to invest savings here wisely..
I am quite certain that there are many Filipinos near me that wish to live in the UK and help take even more jobs from those already living there and good luck to them...I just feel lucky that its not me..
Drinking water costs us 75 Pesos per week ..On top of that our general water bill is never more than 150 Pesos a month.
Child benefit?and if the uk is sowhy are people still risking their lives sneaking in lorries to cross the channel ?
take it easy fred
the thread is 'whats the best thing about the UK'
as for being loaded, your right i have no way of knowing, but you've not had to come back yet, unlike some others who have tired to live there and have had to come back
drinking water, thats the one thing that is still cheap compared to other bills in the uk..
child benefit, tax creds, child care, unemployment benefit, redundancy pay..etc
anyway fred, im not knocking the phils, maybe one day i'll live there, but the UK is not as bad as many people say..![]()
Fail to plan ...Plan to fail Joe!!..but you've not had to come back yet, unlike some others who have tired to live there and have had to come back
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