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Thread: Whats the best thing about uk

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  1. #1
    Respected Member
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    There is lots that is good about the UK, just like there is about most places. As I plan to split my time between the Philippines and the UK in the near future there has to be a reason for it.

    The NHS rates very high. Good ale, in a pub garden on a sunny summer evening is another. Cliff tops walks. People who know how to drive. Lights on vehicles. Policemen who call you sir and don't take bribes. The BBC and TV generally with some thought provoking content, rather than just game shows and soap operas to fill the minds of the unwashed masses (although they can be found here as well). The smell of spring and the long evenings of summer.

  2. #2
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    There is lots that is good about the UK, just like there is about most places. As I plan to split my time between the Philippines and the UK in the near future there has to be a reason for it.

    The NHS rates very high. Good ale, in a pub garden on a sunny summer evening is another. Cliff tops walks. People who know how to drive. Lights on vehicles. Policemen who call you sir and don't take bribes. The BBC and TV generally with some thought provoking content, rather than just game shows and soap operas to fill the minds of the unwashed masses (although they can be found here as well). The smell of spring and the long evenings of summer.
    also fairness and equality laws.

    my misses is applying for jobs in the NHS, it says on the guidance for the CV, don't include your age, birth date or your sex, etc

    ive seen ads for jobs in windows in the shops in the phils stating 'you must be under 25' and another one saying you had to be at least 4ft 11"

  3. #3
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    my misses is applying for jobs in the NHS, it says on the guidance for the CV, don't include your age, birth date or your sex, etc
    Really? ... wish that had been the case when I last applied for a job!

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