Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
Joe..Theres a few things that perhaps we should get straight...
First thing is that it makes no difference to me where people on this forum choose to live or for what reasons..If you are happy where YOU are then for goodness sake stay..Horses for courses.
In regards to your comments about me being loaded..Now cmon Joe..You really have no way of knowing my personal financial circumstances and dont forget I was a Painter and decorator for the majority of my working life so where do you think all this cash is coming from?? A lottery win perhaps?
I wish it had of been as it would have saved me a whole load of work load!!
We all know that we cannot earn good money In the P.I simply by being employed here,but that doesn't mean that you cannot earn far more than the average UK Brit if you know how to invest savings here wisely..
I am quite certain that there are many Filipinos near me that wish to live in the UK and help take even more jobs from those already living there and good luck to them...I just feel lucky that its not me..
Drinking water costs us 75 Pesos per week ..On top of that our general water bill is never more than 150 Pesos a month.

Child benefit?
take it easy fred

the thread is 'whats the best thing about the UK'

as for being loaded, your right i have no way of knowing , but you've not had to come back yet, unlike some others who have tired to live there and have had to come back

drinking water , thats the one thing that is still cheap compared to other bills in the uk..

child benefit, tax creds, child care, unemployment benefit, redundancy pay..etc

anyway fred, im not knocking the phils, maybe one day i'll live there, but the UK is not as bad as many people say..