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Thread: Whats the best thing about uk

  1. #31
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Joe..Theres a few things that perhaps we should get straight...
    First thing is that it makes no difference to me where people on this forum choose to live or for what reasons..If you are happy where YOU are then for goodness sake stay..Horses for courses.
    In regards to your comments about me being loaded..Now cmon Joe..You really have no way of knowing my personal financial circumstances and dont forget I was a Painter and decorator for the majority of my working life so where do you think all this cash is coming from?? A lottery win perhaps?
    I wish it had of been as it would have saved me a whole load of work load!!
    We all know that we cannot earn good money In the P.I simply by being employed here,but that doesn't mean that you cannot earn far more than the average UK Brit if you know how to invest savings here wisely..
    I am quite certain that there are many Filipinos near me that wish to live in the UK and help take even more jobs from those already living there and good luck to them...I just feel lucky that its not me..
    Drinking water costs us 75 Pesos per week ..On top of that our general water bill is never more than 150 Pesos a month.

    Child benefit?
    take it easy fred

    the thread is 'whats the best thing about the UK'

    as for being loaded, your right i have no way of knowing , but you've not had to come back yet, unlike some others who have tired to live there and have had to come back

    drinking water , thats the one thing that is still cheap compared to other bills in the uk..

    child benefit, tax creds, child care, unemployment benefit, redundancy pay..etc

    anyway fred, im not knocking the phils, maybe one day i'll live there, but the UK is not as bad as many people say..

  2. #32
    Trusted Member sars_notd_virus's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by junior02 View Post
    Whats the best thing about uk,apart from are strict laws on goldfish selling??

    I guessed...
    Having a hard time to sweat ....u have to snuggle up with partner of course to keep you warm
    ''Don't be serious..Be Sincere''

  3. #33
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    but you've not had to come back yet, unlike some others who have tired to live there and have had to come back
    Fail to plan ...Plan to fail Joe!!..

  4. #34
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Fail to plan ...Plan to fail Joe!!..
    yes you've planned well - your still there
    no offence meant fred

  5. #35
    Respected Member kimmi's Avatar
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    NHS and the historical buildings and places..

  6. #36
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    patriotic fred
    most of us talk about going living in the phils, but most of us have only ever been for a few weeks each year, going to visit and living there are 2 different things, ask them again after they have been their for months once the honeymoon period has worn off and when they can't find jobs and their living on their savings , most of us are not loaded like you fred

    what's good about the UK, as others have said, the NHS, TV, Benefits system, my misses feels safer in the UK than the phils, she likes the weather in the UK , the scenery in the uk, internet connection we'll have a 50mb connection next week fred , pay - I earn alot more in the UK than i could in the phils and my misses when she finds a fulltime job she will get paid at least *10 the pay she would get in the phils. you can drink water from the tap , laws (except the euro crap ones) animal rights unlike the phils , emergency services yes even the police . not much poverty here compared to the phils - social services, etc,,,,

    why don't you ask some filipinos who live near you fred, if they want to come and live in the UK, see how many want to and why...

    and if the uk is so why are people still risking their lives sneaking in lorries to cross the channel ?

    and things can only get better in the UK
    Agreed 100%

  7. #37
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    yes you've planned well - your still there
    no offence meant fred
    No worries Joe..

  8. #38
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    No worries Joe..
    i think there has been many threads about ' what's good about the phils'..

    not many what's good about the Uk thou..

    there are pros and cons about both places

    but what matters most is, you and your family are healthy, you've got a roof over your heads and food on your plate

  9. #39
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    And what matters most is, you and your family are healthy, you've got a roof over your heads and food on your plate
    True Joe and I have family members that have done very well over the years in the UK.. Since the depression there ,it seems they have consumed most of their reserves and are about ready to sell up and consolidate whats left..They want me to invest much of the cash for them here as they can find nothing worth while there!!
    Unbelievable state of affairs and it will probably only get worse..
    Its a big shame but many of us could see the crash coming long long ago..
    (im sure that can be verified on the forum search archives where I and others posted on the subject around 3/4 years back)

  10. #40
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    Things I like and miss about the UK when i'm away:

    * The open spaces, the countryside and the beautiful sides of the country.
    * The safety for kids in the home areas, the villages
    * The general ease it is to do or achieve anything in the UK, without a bribe or having to go through a lot of different channels and people.
    * The fact that I'm eligable to stay in the country for 6 months, be a full resident, and not have to pay any tax at all! Only a few other countries that offer that to seafarers.
    * The general free feeling, when you wander around the streets or go into the country, and because your white nobody notices you and chooses to come and talk to you and sell you something lol
    * Schools! We have some of the best schools and universities in the world (well particularly the private ones).

    As for living abroad, well we have a place in the Philippines and are renting a place here, we've looked at emigrating but Australia, US, Canada and Australia would tax me, France have said they'll tax me a little bit and well, we're still thinking lol.

  11. #41
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    The UK is a great place to live.
    Too cold though, as I don't have any proper heating.

    There's a lot of moaners on this forum but some good points have been made, from both sides of the arguement.

    Maybe society is going down the toilet, it's certainly changed, but whoever is in power, it's not really going to change things, in our day to day living.
    Every budget, we know fuel will go up, alcohol etc. We always end up poorer.

    If I leave this Country, which is quite possible, it wont be because I can't stand living here, it's because I married a Filipina.

    I like the Philippines, but there is plenty wrong there.

  12. #42
    Respected Member gracia143's Avatar
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    Good thing about being in the UK is that my husband is a National of this country, another thing is that as a grown woman I still get the chance for a career change which is not always the case in the Philippines. There are bad things too but anywhere else would be the same. But given the chance to relocate, I and Trev would rather be in Australia or British Columbia or even New Zealand.
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  13. #43
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Basically, there are 'pros and cons' just about everywhere ... it all depends on where folks' priorities lie!

  14. #44
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    There is lots that is good about the UK, just like there is about most places. As I plan to split my time between the Philippines and the UK in the near future there has to be a reason for it.

    The NHS rates very high. Good ale, in a pub garden on a sunny summer evening is another. Cliff tops walks. People who know how to drive. Lights on vehicles. Policemen who call you sir and don't take bribes. The BBC and TV generally with some thought provoking content, rather than just game shows and soap operas to fill the minds of the unwashed masses (although they can be found here as well). The smell of spring and the long evenings of summer.

  15. #45
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
    There is lots that is good about the UK, just like there is about most places. As I plan to split my time between the Philippines and the UK in the near future there has to be a reason for it.

    The NHS rates very high. Good ale, in a pub garden on a sunny summer evening is another. Cliff tops walks. People who know how to drive. Lights on vehicles. Policemen who call you sir and don't take bribes. The BBC and TV generally with some thought provoking content, rather than just game shows and soap operas to fill the minds of the unwashed masses (although they can be found here as well). The smell of spring and the long evenings of summer.
    also fairness and equality laws.

    my misses is applying for jobs in the NHS, it says on the guidance for the CV, don't include your age, birth date or your sex, etc

    ive seen ads for jobs in windows in the shops in the phils stating 'you must be under 25' and another one saying you had to be at least 4ft 11"

  16. #46
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    Our great British pubs! I mean not every country and boast they had a GIN EPIDEMIC. England can be proud of that :P We certainly have a love affair with the demon drink.
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

  17. #47
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    I can say, (havent read other member replies) no ants, no coacroach, no mosquito, in short i like Uk for being clean, dunno if London is as clean as here in my place Norwich Norfolk

  18. #48
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kimmi View Post
    NHS and the historical buildings and places..
    I agree even i had my toenail operation in a private clinic but at least i got my antibiotic for free

    and well organized bins
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  19. #49
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post
    my misses is applying for jobs in the NHS, it says on the guidance for the CV, don't include your age, birth date or your sex, etc
    Really? ... wish that had been the case when I last applied for a job!

  20. #50
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by GaryFifer View Post
    We certainly have a love affair with the demon drink.
    Not exactly an enviable reputation, though ... is it Gary?

  21. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by GaryFifer View Post
    Our great British pubs! I mean not every country and boast they had a GIN EPIDEMIC. England can be proud of that :P We certainly have a love affair with the demon drink.
    Our great British pubs are closing at an alarming rate (at least round this area).

  22. #52
    Member lenboy's Avatar
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    mmmmmmm the Weather ?

    could it be the Weather ?
    or cos we are Animal lovers ??
    life is not a practice ! its what you make it

  23. #53
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by lenboy View Post
    could it be the Weather ?
    ... are YOU kidding?

    Quote Originally Posted by lenboy View Post
    or cos we are Animal lovers ??
    ... a bit nearer the mark!

  24. #54
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    Can I add some, as I read Joe and Fred conversation, sounds to me comparing, but this is my friend share, She settled her well got her children,working 20 hours per week, stable job she can say, but in the phil she dont need to work as she got income earning 50k a month, here she said she is struggling to work, struggling to the weather, no maid but she choose to be here with her husband, bow !! lol in short she is now trying to hug adopt the UK, cheers to everyone

  25. #55
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by September View Post
    Can I add some, as I read Joe and Fred conversation, sounds to me comparing, but this is my friend share, She settled her well got her children,working 20 hours per week, stable job she can say, but in the phil she dont need to work as she got income earning 50k a month, here she said she is struggling to work, struggling to the weather, no maid but she choose to be here with her husband, bow !! lol in short she is now trying to hug adopt the UK, cheers to everyone

    Seen many like her over the years..Poor woman.

  26. #56
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    NHS, Cold weather, Fish and chips mm....? What else??

  27. #57
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scottishbride View Post
    NHS, Cold weather, Fish and chips mm....? What else??
    Me of course!

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  28. #58
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Wrote a long post for this the other day but it never posted as I forgot to post it.

    Of course there are all the Long summer evening, Country pub gardens etc

    But I know from my Wife experience as A young Woman she has far more freedom, protection and rights in the UK than she would have in Phill.

    From what i read when comparing side by side maternity rights,the lack of worry and stresss about being Ill. When the Wife first came over she was worried about having even a small fever as in the past it had meant that this would cost the Family possible a large chunk of their income/savings and in some cases family illiness had caused debt
    Now she is far less worried and realises there is no issue if she feels ill this in turn means she is less likely to be Ill if that makes sense

    The Wife was shocked when we had a 4-5 minute power cut (i bet it was not even that) one day recently I think in 5 years it was the first power outrage she had experienced in the UK.

    She loves the general security of walking around the UK. Its rare to hear either of Public transport being held up ala Jeepneys in Phill.

    The Public transport system at least In London and the rail/road network many Phils who come over to the UK would also like to swap.

    She now notices how bloody dangerous some modes of transport are in Phill. While she is no health and Safety rules lover she appreciates the fact they are there.

    THe Wife can get on a ferry in the UK and not have to worry that its not unlikely to have it sink and if it did in the UK there would be people needing to answer for the Issue.

    The amazing amount of Museums, Galleries, Public Libraries, Nature reserves and Parks and other public buildings.

    The Wife has what many in the UK think of a lowly retail Job and she has the dream job of many of her Posh Private school and UNI Peers who all seem to be Hotel workers, Airline stewardess or working in call centres/English Schools. The Benefits/Rights she has far outweigh what they have it seems.

    Although the IRA and UVF got up to no good and the chance of A terrorist bomb is always there. The chances of a convoy of people being killed in cold murder and only International condemnation prompting (it appears) action against the guilty is unlikely to happen in the UK.

    I have yet to hear on the news of a armed revolution/mutiny in the UK which almost seem be taken for granted in Phill

    I love Phill and the Wife Loves Phill even more goes without saying but plenty of things that people in Phill would rip our hands of to have the benefit of.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  29. #59
    Restricted Access September's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fred View Post
    Seen many like her over the years..Poor woman.
    poor woman

  30. #60
    Respected Member GaryFifer's Avatar
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    The National History Museum in London. Canals and railways throughout the land to connect our towns and cities.
    What's great about britain:

    - longest serving parliamentary democracy in the world that every other democracy is based on.

    - the english language.

    - our cultural history, in terms of literature, art, music, sculpture, architecture.

    - the scientific and engineering advances made by our country and continue to be advanced by british people (although sadly often paid for by americans because our own governments have **** for brains).

    - the NHS, knock it all you like but it's still going and it's still free and it's still always there.

    - some of the top universities in the world with well over their fair share of international publications and developments, rivalled only by the much richer american unis.

    - armed forces that are the envy of the world.

    - most of the worlds largest international charity organisations were started and based here.
    It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.

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