patriotic fred

most of us talk about going living in the phils, but most of us have only ever been for a few weeks each year, going to visit and living there are 2 different things, ask them again after they have been their for months once the honeymoon period has worn off and when they can't find jobs and their living on their savings

, most of us are not loaded like you fred
what's good about the UK, as others have said, the NHS, TV, Benefits system, my misses feels safer in the UK than the phils, she likes the weather in the UK

, the scenery in the uk, internet connection we'll have a 50mb connection next week fred

, pay - I earn alot more in the UK than i could in the phils and my misses when she finds a fulltime job she will get paid at least *10 the pay she would get in the phils. you can drink water from the tap

, laws (except the euro crap ones) animal rights unlike the phils

, emergency services

yes even the police . not much poverty here compared to the phils - social services, etc,,,,
why don't you ask some filipinos who live near you fred, if they want to come and live in the UK, see how many want to and why...
and if the uk is so

why are people still risking their lives sneaking in lorries to cross the channel ?
and things can only get better in the UK