Rayna guessed 32! Wow what a very close guess!! And Cheeky took a close guess with 35!
Northerener you were supposd to guess not use TinEye!
But you are of course right! She is the baby faced Japanese model Aki Hoshino aged 33!
I sure wish I could date her Arthur Little! I have read that she is single, and on facebook!What made me upload the pic of her? I showed a pic of her to a friend of mine, when I told him she's 33 he was like "No way!"
And almost falling out of his chair!
So I guess that's what made me upload it here..
Japanese women always look fantastic! All oriental/asian women seem to age well, but also in Japan I believe they bath a lot, and it's thought that they eat a lot of seafood/fish.. I think maybe this is why Japanese women are always slim with good skin.. We eat a lot of fried food, it can make you spotty and fat I think..
I believe Aki did one of the voices in Bee Movie! And here she is presumably at some sort of promo for the movie!