Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
You can have my two retards.... I'll have them posted
My husband said, he had four in his past and was a hardlife he's got.

Quote Originally Posted by somebody View Post
Penny Po from what I read of the good works you have done to help others over the years and continue to I have the upmost respect for you. No one should have a go at someone else untill they have walked in their shoes and understand thing from their point of view.

Hopefully with it being Easter weekend all the people involved can some how decide to get on with one another. Plenty of room in the world for love and respect but little room for hate and anger

Peace love and Easter Bunnies
Wow Thanks Somebody. You made my heart fat
I had a long chat with my boss in my volunteering job today and she asked me what I really really want to do. To study more? To find a good job? I said I just want to help needy if i won in a lottery. She laughed ehhh.

Happy Easter Somebody.