Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
There is no rule saying you must have children! I'm not sure I want kids to be honest..I'm too old!
Thanks Nigel! It is the rule of horrible two's!

Quote Originally Posted by David House View Post
I am shocked that anyone would think that they had the right to criticise another for taking such a personal decision. Quite frankly it is no-one's business other than your own. I have not read the comments so take what you have said at face value. Which thread were they posted on?

I guess though that they were made by Filipinas, rather than by a guy! There does appear to be a very strange attitude amongst many of the traditional, conservative type of old fashioned Filipino communities that is the duty of women to produce kids, no matter what the family circumstances are, encouraged by the RC Church in the main. Fortunately the attitude of the younger generation is slowly changing, though their access to a decent sex education is still woeful.

I believe that the last thing the whole world needs, and the Philippines in particular, is more kids, so anyone who decides, for whatever reason not to have them gets my support.
Will send you the links and PM's lol! Thank you!
That's problem in our country. POPULATION! And even their families starving, they don't realise the future in few years to come.

Quote Originally Posted by Ping View Post
Hey Penn send me some fish if you caught many.
Nah don't worry about this kind of person.Look at me dear I'm over fifty but my neighbors said I look like thirty something.
My advice is eat loads of veges, fish, fruit and rice everyday no junk food,no alcohol,coffee and don't smoke and most of all drink one liter of water a day.

Salamat Ate Ping! We were 10 in the boats but no one caught even a cod or mackerel. Maybe it's not the right time to go boat fishing Ate Ping. Imagine, I caught Dead man’s fingers ! Better luck on summer Ate Ping. By the way I enjoyed our outing. I'll share to you our photos.
It's also my secret Ate and you reveal it! I'm 0% alcohol, I love milk and water and not a coffee lover. Vegies! we grown up with veggies from our farm as that was the rule of our parents. If we want to send to Uni, eat veggies to save so we can afford to pay tuition fees.

Quote Originally Posted by GaryFifer View Post
I would say this is ignorance. My mother has had the comments after 8 years trying to have bb. "Oh, you only have the one" or "You like the money too much, you are selfish" and then another 10 years after me.

They do not know your pain. The comments hurt, but do not despair. Only you know your feelings on this.
Thanks Gary! Actually, I'm immune
with their ignorance and comments. But the more I keep silent, the more they insult me. I am thinking how do they feel now. If they grown up with many hang-ups, then non sense to them.

Quote Originally Posted by lenboy View Post
Dont worry Penny !
As long as your happy thats all what matters !!
Yup Lenn! Thanks huh! Me and hubby are always happy and enjoy life if we got the time.
Every weekend, we go out for a nice date!

Quote Originally Posted by aposhark View Post
You have always come across as a fun-loving lady Penny.

Keep on being so
Thanks Apo! I love fun really but nature is more fun! Sometimes, I miss scuba diving and see the beauty of underwater where you can see the real natures and you feel you are out of the world. Very expensive here to dive and very cold. Cannot afford! Do you miss your diving?

Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
I wonder if your attackers would have received so many messages of support had the boot been on the other foot Doubtful.
I called them "the shut BMW" Big Mouth Women

Quote Originally Posted by sars_notd_virus View Post
A Penny for your thoughts

*I had a real good laff the other night,.. twas a nice chat Ate Pen *thank you
That chatbox made us more close to each other you know? I have discovered how crazy we were that time we had a fantastic chat! I laughed aloud! Vb is such a nice person too! As well as September who has loads of funny source! One day, we'll chat again if the boss is at the bedroom. sssshhhh!