Originally Posted by
David House
I am shocked that anyone would think that they had the right to criticise another for taking such a personal decision. Quite frankly it is no-one's business other than your own. I have not read the comments so take what you have said at face value. Which thread were they posted on?
I guess though that they were made by Filipinas, rather than by a guy! There does appear to be a very strange attitude amongst many of the traditional, conservative type of old fashioned Filipino communities that is the duty of women to produce kids, no matter what the family circumstances are, encouraged by the RC Church in the main. Fortunately the attitude of the younger generation is slowly changing, though their access to a decent sex education is still woeful.
I believe that the last thing the whole world needs, and the Philippines in particular, is more kids, so anyone who decides, for whatever reason not to have them gets my support.