my sister sent me this
my sister sent me this
God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.
It doesn't make him a racist Maria, he's making tongue in cheek comments that are funny to some and not to others.
Keith - Administrator
Ignorant loser! Probably cack his pants if he came face to face with Pacquiao. Worst thing he said was all the Philippines has is Manny and sex tours
He should take a look at America's own heroes, like that arrogant money-worshipping knobhead Gayweather.
.... and high crime, kidnappings and the MILF as well, don't forget them![]()
Keith - Administrator
Idiot, but what do you expect from (I was going to sayAmerican) someone who thinks they are funny!!
But this is no different than calling George Bush illiterate, and stupid, and that America is full of murderers and inbreds..... in the UK we find that funny.... but taking it from Maria's point I'm a racist to the Yanks.
Keith - Administrator
he's got publicity, and that's probably what he wanted![]()
Could that be because as a nation generally, we just don't care or have lost national pride? I too like to have a laugh at the most ridiculous and un-pc things, maybe I have lost my pride in the Uk and what it used to stand for...hang on! what did it ever stand for?
Certainly for me, anyone can take theout of us, I would also find that funny, but other cultures and nations are more sensetive than us. I think like Joe says, he got his publicity, but face to face with Manny?? I wonder who be laughing last
True hurts I think. Thats why it rubbed you up the wrong way. The Irish have been the butt of the jokes for years. Now you know how it feels. Noone is safe![]()
I thought it was a clever observation about the place. "Manny is the only thing PI has got for it, and sex tourism. "
Well for arguements sake, I want to hear the alternatives- Lea Salonga?Most live in other countries.
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
what he says about manny, pi and its people and culture is way too much and definitely uncalled for![]()
... who is he anyway? I havent even heard of the guy. Well, he is well known now... an
and a stupid racist and I pity him for being like that.
I hope he visits Manila soon. I know he will be welcomed with love![]()
and loving arms
I wouldn't really pay too much attention, he is a moron trying to emerge from obscurity in the broadcasting.
You have to understand American culture, there is very little nevertheless they think to be over and above anyone else.
Does he know that he's living in a country with huge number of criminals? Everytime I watch COPs, I am learning more about his country. I can't imagine one of the 10 most rich countries is famous of criminals.
But it is rather worrying how celebrities/actors seem to try and achieve getting into politics in the Philippines. Seriously, do you want a boxer in politics? Then again the US has the terminator!!! What on earth???
Always ignore bad comments about Philippines..they always come from some twit he's never even been there!![]()
There are 7 Planes Of Existance:
7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
6 — Plane of Forces
5 — Astral Plane
4 — Mental Plane
3 — Too mysterious to describe.
2 — Too mysterious to describe.
1 — Too mysterious to describe.
Most people like popular figures. Filipinos are no different. He's like their David Beckham. I am glad they have moved on from Jose Rizal, which has no bearing on kids these days. He seems to be in tune with Filipino ordinary people. The DJ in question, is probably just a shock-jock. Wants a reaction.
It's time to kick ass and chew bubble gum. And I'm all out of gum.
good thing he apologized...![]()
You'll always get those who have narrow-minded views of certain countries, how this guy got a job as a broadcaster is beyond me. When the other guy pointed out he was probably thinking of Thailand, his answer was, "Same difference". Say no more
I wouldn't say he's a racist though, xenophobic at most. Definitely pig ignorant.
Thailand and Philippines is "same difference"???? LOL... maleducado obviously! sheesh!
He has created his own brand from being piss poor...If he wants to make extra cash from multiple TV advertisements then more power to his bank balance and the many charities he runs and supports....
I agree to a point, with his skills, he has provided for his country folk.
I don't think he created he own brand from his humble beginnings.
It's an industry and he is part of it, part of the engine if you like. Others making profit from him.
He is the front man, not the brains.
It not the first time this has happened and won't be the last.
As for making extra cash here and there well, I think it much more than that but, if it benefits the charities then all well and good....
I think Adam is just an attention seeker who just wants to rideon Pacquiao's popularity and fame.
Adam Carolla =![]()
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