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  1. #1
    Respected Member britoy's Avatar
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    Angry finding work

    My partner Markie as had many interviews she as years of experience and a degree but over here in England she as had no luck finding a job just the same old crap letters. ok so she as trouble understanding some accents but i work for British gas and have trouble with Hmmm ill not say which part of the UK because some of you will be from there lol. just wondering if any other Filipinos have trouble finding work in the UK?

  2. #2
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    My wife has had a lot of trouble finding work. It took her 3 months to find something. Too many eastern europeans / polish taking all the jobs.

    She has good qualifications in Philippines and some good references but was knocked back by all the supermarket chains, the small retailers in the town centre also didnt want to employ her. She even applied for a job in Mcdonalds and they didnt even get back to her!

    Luckily she managed to find a job as a kitchen assistant in a care home but she applied for around 20 jobs and out of those 20 she was only given 1 interview and that was Tescos and even they didnt employ her for a simple cashier job! Her english is perfect and she is more than capable but they gave some excuse.

    One of my friends observed a coach full of polish immigrants that had only just arrived into the UK parked up in Sainsburys. There was a long Q of polish immigrants at the customer services desk all taking an application form and completing it - all of them asking for a job. Their english was poor but they still applied for the job.

    Its down to all the eastern europeans. Even in my office there are many polish working there and in all the care homes there are polish. Thats why there are less jobs available now.

  3. #3
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Too many eastern europeans / polish taking all the jobs.
    Incorrect statement.

    These people are taking jobs that us British can't be doing. FACT.

    Thats why there are less jobs available now.
    If you check you facts out, you'll see there are as many jobs available NOW as there were 2-3-4 years ago.
    Do you read The Sun and believe what they say?

    The reason why some Filipino's who can come over here to live with hubby to find a job is that preference MUST be given to EU partners, her qualifications are basically meaningless here, they can not really verify references, they have not learnt enough about Western culture, and so will not fit into some jobs.
    Keith - Administrator

  4. #4
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    What you say has some truth but I work in the insurance business and they are constantly employing polish workers to sell insurance over the telephone. This job pays £17K a year + you can get comission. So imagine how lucky the eastern europeans and polish are that they can come straight into an office environment and earn that sum of money.

    They are taking the low paid jobs and they are also taking the middle paid jobs. There are lots of polish workers working in the company I work for. 1 girl I know worked in a restaurant in poland as a waitress and was earning peanuts there (maybe £100 a month) not sure. She came over to the UK and instantly found a job in the company I work for.

    From earning £100 a month she was suddenly earning over £1000. Then after a year she was made team leader, then later quit the job and moved to a more senior management position with another company!

    So they are not just taking the low paid jobs such as mcdonalds or in petrol stations but also the jobs in the offices / insurance and the banks. My local post office has a polish girl working there and so has the bank.

    They are taking the jobs. If millions of people come over from poland or from bulgaria or romania to the UK then eventually there will be no jobs here. If you own your own company or if you are in a high paid job then your job is not under threat because the eastern europeans do not normally take the top jobs but the low to middle class jobs they are taking all the time.

    If half the population of 1 country goes to another then it will have a big effect on the unemployment rate of that country. Thats logical. So they take both the low paid jobs that the english cannot be arsed to do and also the medium pay scale jobs. Not everyone has lots of money / and is a company director or manager and some of us want to work in low paid or medium paid jobs but cant because of competition from eastern europeans.

  5. #5
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    The insurance companies only taking on people who are qualified to do the job, and the Europeans aren't thicko's. The standard of school leavers in this country is a joke. Their English is pathetic, and maths worse. I certainly wouldn't employ them in my company, and would happily take on an Eastern European or Filipino whose much better at our language, more respectful, more hard forces.....employers take the best product for the cheapest price. Always has been that way.

    2.5 Million Scots in England......they've nicked more jobs than any other EU country, all the way up to Downing Street....yet folk don't can't pick & choose which countries you like & don't like for a workforce, that is racism.
    Keith - Administrator

  6. #6
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    my wife appiled by email for must have been 100 jobs, mostly in the nhs, over a 4 month period, she got a few interviews, but all turned her down.. she speaks excellent english, had a degree in biology and medicine, but some said she was over qualified and even said sorry that they didnt read her CV proplerly, she took the medical degree off her CV, and said she done 3 yrs at med school, and finally she got interview working as a senior assistant techinal officer, she basically takes blood from people, its part time, pay is ok,

    you just have to keep trying, no one owes you anythnig, if you want it, got to keep trying......

    good luck...

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