my wife like everyone elses wife is priceless, you dont need to pay £1300+ in visa's, in my case it be more like double that, need to apply for FLR and I've got 2 step kids, one is nearly 18.
how can you justify the cost?, whats the break down of the cost? if it cost nothing for polish and other europeans to come into the UK, why the hell do i have to pay for my wife ??
sure there is some processing to be done, the cost of FLR is £335, IND says the figure is the cost of processing it, how long does it take to check my appliaction, few hours ?? a day ? so they are paying some clerk £335 a day ? no they are making profit out of it![]()
and with my run in with the biritsh embassy, when i had enough of waitnig 3 months, and i complained to them, funny how a few hours later the visa was approved and ready...![]()
keith next time you take your porche to the garage and the guy say " the bill is £3000", and you say why, iam sure you not like the reply "well its a porche" ! ..
same standard and same rules to apply for all !![]()