my wife like everyone elses wife is priceless, you dont need to pay £1300+ in visa's, in my case it be more like double that, need to apply for FLR and I've got 2 step kids, one is nearly 18.

how can you justify the cost? , whats the break down of the cost? if it cost nothing for polish and other europeans to come into the UK, why the hell do i have to pay for my wife ??

sure there is some processing to be done, the cost of FLR is £335, IND says the figure is the cost of processing it, how long does it take to check my appliaction, few hours ?? a day ? so they are paying some clerk £335 a day ? no they are making profit out of it

and with my run in with the biritsh embassy, when i had enough of waitnig 3 months, and i complained to them, funny how a few hours later the visa was approved and ready...

keith next time you take your porche to the garage and the guy say " the bill is £3000", and you say why, iam sure you not like the reply "well its a porche" ! ..

same standard and same rules to apply for all !