lol, council tax is another rip off, its easy to waste money when its not out of your own pocket or your not accountable for it, i can see them in the council hall, "hmm what % rate above inflation shall we do this year", like i can go to my boss and ask for %5 or more, he tell me to, so why has the council got the right to do it ??..
hmm too many people just put up and shut up, the polish and other europeans here, they should have to pay the £335 ive just paid for a visa, lets see how many come here then...
fight the powers that be
the cost might be little to you Keith, but its not when you got 3 kids and the dog to feed, NOnot my wife, the 4 legged one, its been ill and vets fees
i wish i can charge £18 for 10 mins, total paid out last week to vets £180, and still no better, what will they charge me tonight