Whilst I respect Florge's reasoning, I remain an advocate for getting wed in the Phils [as I was] cutting out the "middle of the road" approach and applying directly for a spouse visa ... assuming both partners are absolutely certain they want to spend the rest of their lives together- which, admittedly, some couples are not. And again, a lot can depend on the time factor vis a vis holiday arrangements.
But such considerations apart ... there's no doubt that the Spousal route is far and away the more cost effective of the two choices - both in terms of the wedding celebrations and *visa fees. I mean, why pay the *same amount twice (within a 6 months' period) when once will suffice?And let's not forget there's still ILR to contend with, a further 2 and a 1/4 years down the line ... whichever [initial] method is chosen!