Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
as regards careful pre-planning ... since being granted sufficient time off work is likely to prove the MAIN stumbling block. But from the financial angle, the substantial savings made from having to fork-out on only ONE visa ... instead of TWO ... would go a long way towards paying for any further air fares. And also, the cost of marrying in the Phils is definitely a great deal less expensive than a comparable wedding package in the UK.
Indeed Sir and of course as often mentioned Rizza's family will have the option to attend. For many it will mean more ( of course i dont know your family Sean but its an educated guess.) for many of Rizza's family to see her married and if married in a cvill marriage blessed by the Lola's pastor in our case. For all your family its possible they could attend ie visa and possibly money wise if given the time to prepare and save for..