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Thread: 100% success using Law Of Attraction!

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  1. #1
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I've tried to attract 81 billion British pounds (really I have..) It's not worked and I think this might be that somewhere in me I feel it it's not feasable or something... Maybe I should try an amount more believable..? The reason I chose the amount 81 billion is because I heard Bill Gates is worth 80 billion, so I figured I'm worth 81 billion..I guess I'm competing and trying to go one further than him..and the L O A teachers tell us that competition is bad.. The amount of 81 billion smacks of jealousy or something doesn't it?

    I certainly have got more income though..I've now got 5 sources of income whereas I only had 1 (my job) before..

    I have this routine of checking my mail for cheques everyday (my 6th income?)..this is also something that is working for me, expecting cheques and recieving them..just last month I got a cheque for £ just came out of nowhere (sort of) but I know I'm attracting these cheques..

    A cool thing to do is have your bills paid by direct debit..then the only thing you can expect to get in the mail is cheques!...and your bills will be out of sight and out of mind!

    "What the BLEEP do we know" was a great movie/documentary, but "The Secret" was easier to watch and absorb, you mustn't think that you know all about attraction just after watching The Secret, there's an audio book that goes with it, Esther & Jerry Hicks do great audio books...(I recommend the audio books..) there's loads of stuff on youtube aswell...

    There is a chap on YouTube who claims he has a "third eye" he can see the real universe, the invisible, (it's a fact that there is much that cannot be seen or percieved..) he says there are colours that the rest of us don't know about, and patterns that seem to have character, he says that nothing that we are experiencing is really here, it's all an illusion..a manifestation of our own thought..(I BELIEVE HIM!) although I don't fully understand..I'm not sure he does entirely either! But I do believe he has the third eye!

    i think gates was already rich, his grandparents gave him $1m

    5 sources of income, but do you have 5 times less time

    i check my mail, and i don't use direct debit, i don't trust people , but all i get are bills

    3rd eye, in his own world

    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    You've put "I do need.." in there..this smacks of 'need' it smacks of 'lack' or 'absence' .......

    Please don't think I'm being nasty here Joe but what your actually attracting here is lack/absence/poverty! The "like attracts like" thing is something you must pay attention to.. Attraction WILL work for you this way:

    1 Happily THINK of what you want with clarity and conviction!

    2 Visualize recieving it real soon! And imagine how GREAT it's going to FEEL when you inevitably recieve it!

    3 Have absolute faith that what you've attracted is now on it's way to you real soon.. Just like you have absolute faith that what goes up must come down. (law of gravity) Like thoughts bring, like lifestyles (law of attraction)

    This is my Zedge page which may help a bit..

    Don't let anyone tell you this stuff isn't real! It's hard to comprehend at first, and it could take two years of more understanding and practice before it starts to work for you...everyones got qualms and habits that need ironing out before attraction can work for them, but it absolutely can work and IS working for everyone! It's not like some can do it and some can't!

    Oh! Yes you will have to buy a ticket..or some physical action on your part will probably be required..

    we can help you nigel, we can take you to a doctor

    your not attracting anything, your doing extra work to earn this money, i'm too lazy for that, the money should come to me

  2. #2
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by joebloggs View Post

    5 sources of income, but do you have 5 times less time

    i check my mail, and i don't use direct debit, i don't trust people , but all i get are bills

    3rd eye, in his own world
    I do have a little less time with my extra incomes...but it's fun!

    *****i check my mail, and i don't use direct debit, i don't trust people , but all i get are bills *****

    You mustn't talk like that! Your not a leaf being blown along by a wind that tells you what to do, the wind is you with your "i check my mail, and i don't use direct debit, i don't trust people , but all i get are bills " and the leaf is your lifestyle which is obeying you! You are both the wind and the leaf! Your thoughts are your horse...and your lifestyle is the cart. If I could only convince people that it works that way they could change their lives profoundly! You can tell your own life story (and we are! All of us!) so tell a story that's good! A story that's in harmony with you!

    The guy with the third eye, I wont lie, I used to think guys like him were on drugs or something, but I've learnt that he is actually a man who is 'enlightened' he has a sophisticated understanding of our world!

    Our thoughts vibrate and's believed by some that this entire universe was created by (and still is being created by..) THOUGHT!

    There are 7 Planes Of Existance:

    7 — Material Plane: The earth, where you are right now.
    6 — Plane of Forces
    5 — Astral Plane
    4 — Mental Plane
    3 — Too mysterious to describe.
    2 — Too mysterious to describe.
    1 — Too mysterious to describe.

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