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Thread: How Do You Make Money?

  1. #31
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Hes a not half bad reseacher either Alice through the looking glass was ecellent
    Absit invidia

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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    I remember David Icke's first interview on Wogan now...I too was totally baffled at the time...I don't think people realised he was talking in terms of science. He was speaking of how thought is manifesting everything, and I think what he was trying to do was give us his opinion as to why negativety exists when it has no reason to.

    Our existance could be, (and should be..) pure positivity! Negativety does not exist as such, it is a manifestation of our negative thoughts. REALLY IT IS!

    David seems to think there is a small number of families who are manipulating our thought field, dumming the majority of the human race down and keeping them in negative thought manifestation. Wow! Sophisticated people huh? It is a possibility I'm afraid, it's not an unreasonable theory, it's not unfeasable and David Icke is certainly not cuckoo or ga ga.

    I personally think the human race is doing this to themselves and they don't even know it! They are not awakened to the fact that they must keep their thoughts and feelings positive in order to manifest positive things. They think they are a leaf blowing around at the mercy of the wind..that's the LAST thing any of us are!

    It's believed that the Egyptians knew the Law Of Attraction, and all these years on the human race is still in a negative thought manifestation? You can't help but raise the question "Just what on earth is going on here??"

    I respect David Icke cause he's teaching us about thought manifestation while they're are others who wish to keep us unenlightened. It seems they're must be or we would all be educated enough to understand how our universe is working by now..? I don't necessarily agree with his opinion on this, but I tell you what, I can't give you a better explanation!

    As for David apparently saying he is a messiah and saying the planets are ruled by reptilians, I feel this is also something that has been misunderstood. When he says the planets are ruled by reptilians, I think he's probably referring to psychopathic people, they are without any concience but still have very high IQ's and are capable of sophisticated manipulation. If Davids theory is right, then it probably is 'reptilians' as he calls them that are the guilty party.

    David IS a Messiah (he has the power of one!)! And so have you! And so have I! And so has your wife! Your neighbour! Your Mother in law! And that chap you refer to as the 'village idiot!' And everyone else! We truly are that powerful! All of us!

    Does this sound ridiculous? To me what's ridiculous is that in this day and age we still haven't come to realise it! If you educate yourself in this you'll realise the phenomenal magnificence of yourself! And the magnificence of others! We are capable of great manifestations without leaving the armchair!

    ****There is a book entitled "Your God! Get over it!" I've not read the book cause there's probably not much in there I don't know already, plus I personally like audio books...but from what I gather that's a great book!****

    I've watched a few other David Icke interviews, nothing he has said is unfeasable so please stop laughing at him. I RESPECT him at least he's teaching us how our lives work, how our universe works, what our real problems may be. Is anyone else bothering?
    I'm not laughing at him. Like I say I find him entertaining and some of his theories do actually ring true with me, but the reptilians and such stuff is a bit much, and when people with views like that throw bits of solid science into their ideas I'm a bit sceptical

    I can't remember the book off hand, but it starts off really well, but then about 100 pages in, he drops this bombshell that George W Bush, The Queen etc are all lizards from another planet who have the ability to morph into humans. And at the Bilderberg group meetings they're performing human sacrifices and all sorts. It's just a bit much

    I agree with most the things you say Nigel, the power of positive thinking is indeed a strong force

  3. #33
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    he drops this bombshell that George W Bush, The Queen etc are all lizards from another planet who have the ability to morph into humans. And at the Bilderberg group meetings they're performing human sacrifices and all sorts.
    David said that George Bush and the Queen are lizards from another planet? Now I'm laughing!

    Some of it does sound quite ludicrous doesn't it? I think in one video he said that the tsunami in Thailand was possibly caused by a nuclear bomb hidden under the ocean. (I don't think so..) I think that was a natural disaster..

    The thing is he's often speaking about science, physics, the invisible, things that are not immediatly obvious to us. So there's always going to be giggleing from people who don't have an understanding of it. Plus he does have some strange sounding theories! I still think he's a great guy though!

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  4. #34
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    This advice really helped me a lot. I hope you continue writing about this kind of topic.

  5. #35
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by galenpamela View Post
    This advice really helped me a lot. I hope you continue writing about this kind of topic.
    I LOVE Law Of Attraction I do! I promise you it is the truth about our lives! If you want to learn LOA there is a movie (documentary) called The Secret. And many other books, audio books etc. This video would be a good introduction to it all..

    I've been learning LOA and practising it and putting it to the test for over a year now, it's all about training your own mind, it is working for me now!

    First 20 minutes of The Secret

    This one is worth a watch aswell

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  6. #36
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    1 Save this pic

    2 Set it as wallpaper

    3 Tile it

    4 LOVE the effect!

    Set as wallpaper then tile.jpg

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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    1 Save this pic

    2 Set it as wallpaper

    3 Tile it

    4 LOVE the effect!

    Set as wallpaper then tile.jpg
    And you reckon that will bring me dollar? I'm trying it, so let's see

  8. #38
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    And you reckon that will bring me dollar? I'm trying it, so let's see
    The point of it is to help you realise that there is plenty of money out there for you! Think and FEEL the abundance! And this will be what you attract!

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  9. #39
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    Only thing is though Nigel, the money wont just appear in your bank account. (not being negative here )

    You need to use the positive energy, you are creating to go out & earn it.
    That's what puts you in the right frame of mind in the first place.

    People start off with good intentions, then give up when they don't see instant results, or when the going is tough. You need to stay positive & stick it out. As long as it's a no hoper?

    You'll never get rich working for someone else, as your wages determine your earnings...Though you may well stay poor working for yourself, working long hours for little return. (still not being negative, just talking from experience). Helps if you can do something you like doing.

    I notice Oprah Winfrey is a fan, she went out & earnt her millions, presumably with her positive mind...Though she's had her dark days.

    Smile the sun is shining.

  10. #40
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sim11UK View Post
    Only thing is though Nigel, the money wont just appear in your bank account. (not being negative here )

    You need to use the positive energy, you are creating to go out & earn it.
    That's what puts you in the right frame of mind in the first place.

    People start off with good intentions, then give up when they don't see instant results, or when the going is tough. You need to stay positive & stick it out. As long as it's a no hoper?

    You'll never get rich working for someone else, as your wages determine your earnings...Though you may well stay poor working for yourself, working long hours for little return. (still not being negative, just talking from experience). Helps if you can do something you like doing.

    I notice Oprah Winfrey is a fan, she went out & earnt her millions, presumably with her positive mind...Though she's had her dark days.

    Smile the sun is shining.
    I don't care about the hows, whys, and whens...I'll attract the way!

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  11. #41
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    How much money is here?

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  12. #42
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post


    How much money is here?
    none that`s legal tender, you have shown a torn off corner of a bank note and 6 halves of coins

  13. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post


    How much money is here?
    Do we get to keep it if we guess right?

  14. #44
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    The answer is:

    "Down The Line"

    Now what do I mean by that? I took that photo myself! money art is now one of my LLLLLOVESSS!!!

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  15. #45
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Have you run out of medication?

  16. #46
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    People think I need medication and it's because I've got very healthy state of mind I think...I don't think they understand..I'm very etheric!

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  17. #47
    Respected Member bornatbirth's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    [FONT="Verdana"][SIZE="3"]People think I need medication because
    your loopy
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  18. #48
    Respected Member Pete/London's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    People think I need medication and it's because I've got very healthy state of mind I think...I don't think they understand..I'm very etheric!
    Cosmic.....or comic

  19. #49
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pete/London View Post
    Cosmic.....or comic
    A bit of both methinks!

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  20. #50
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    your loopy

    My wifey and many others have suggested that I'm loopy! I believe in the invisible! There is so much that we cannot percieve, colours, sound frequencies, 99% of it can't be percieved, it doesn't mean it isn't there!
    In time you will realise I'm the most sensible minded person on this forum! I understand and KNOW that everything is being created by our own minds, we all stem from the same source and are currently co creating with our minds. You wouldn't let bad food in your body, so don't let bad news in your mind. Law Of Attraction is as real as the Law Of Gravity.

    Optimistic thinking isn't crazy or's just sensible!

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  21. #51
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    You wouldn't let bad food in your body, so don't let bad news in your mind.
    Most people do both without giving it a second thought

    I go along with a lot of what you say, Nigel There's no doubt about it that we're all energy, like you say created from the same source, stardust. I'm more inclined to believe in that than a God. For a good few years now I've believed there's no such thing as coincedence, whether we create these weird happenings by our thoughts alone... I don't know. I just know that things have happened in my life that you couldn't put down to pure luck, that there must have been some kind of intervention or ordered pattern for it to happen the way it did.

  22. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by triple5 View Post
    Most people do both without giving it a second thought

    I go along with a lot of what you say, Nigel There's no doubt about it that we're all energy, like you say created from the same source, stardust. I'm more inclined to believe in that than a God. For a good few years now I've believed there's no such thing as coincedence, whether we create these weird happenings by our thoughts alone... I don't know. I just know that things have happened in my life that you couldn't put down to pure luck, that there must have been some kind of intervention or ordered pattern for it to happen the way it did.
    how long have you been hoping liverpool will win the prem
    i have learnt to do what my wife says!

  23. #53
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    Quote Originally Posted by bornatbirth View Post
    how long have you been hoping liverpool will win the prem
    since next august

  24. #54
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Thanks for your replies everyone!

    But you seemed to have lost interest in the money art thing I did with the corner of a note and the pile of pound coins...if you read DOWNWARDS down the side of the note...a word is spelt on the much money is there?

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  25. #55
    Moderator Steve.r's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Thanks for your replies everyone!

    But you seemed to have lost interest in the money art thing I did with the corner of a note and the pile of pound coins...if you read DOWNWARDS down the side of the note...a word is spelt on the much money is there?
    YAAwwwwwwnnnnnnnn................. sorry I lost inter lost ...errr? ....... whos said what?? Where am I ???

  26. #56
    Respected Member Sim11UK's Avatar
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    We're obviously not ready to join the fold yet Nigel...or Ethel the that your new name?

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