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  1. #1
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    opening a UK bank account

    i went into my bank the other day and enquired about her indoors opening a bank account when she comes over with them- they told me they wouldnt open her one

    so who will give her an account from the experiences on here?

  2. #2
    Respected Member rusty's Avatar
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    Get her name added to one of the utility bills, we used BT, then take that into the bank as proof of address.

    We were able to open an account at Barclays.

  3. #3
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    fortunatly or in this case unfortunatley in this case my company pays all my rent and utilities

    however i will try barclays still

  4. #4
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    Look at getting a basic bank account for now. This would provide a direct debit or standing order facility, but no overdraft! Then after a few years of building up a UK credit history, I am sure any bank would love your wifes custom.

    Banks are a bit more itchy these days, but just for putting money away is the easiest option. Though a basic account would do more than that, even giving your wife a debit card she can use..

    So good luck with that

  5. #5
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Northerner View Post
    a basic account would do more than that, even giving your wife a debit card she can use..

    So good luck with that
    Yes, MINE has a basic account in her MAIDEN name ... which is the one on her *passport, since *it's valid up until 2013 and she hasn't renewed it yet. However, she's also been given a debit card ... and, at MY request, the local authority has kindly added Myrna's name to our Council Tax Bills, with her ILR in mind next year.

  6. #6
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    Try the Co-op bank Sparky
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  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Arthur Little View Post
    Yes, MINE has a basic account in her MAIDEN name ... which is the one on her *passport, since *it's valid up until 2013 and she hasn't renewed it yet. However, she's also been given a debit card ... and, at MY request, the local authority has kindly added Myrna's name to our Council Tax Bills, with her ILR in mind next year.
    I have said this several times. In UK one can change their name without any official paperwork. Thus there is no reason why one cannot have any official registration in one's maiden name.

    I changed my name over 20 years ago, I changed everything into the new name without any problems (Only the birth cert cannot be changed).

    I have said this several times. In UK one can change their name without any official paperwork. Thus, there is no reason why one cannot have any official registration in one's maiden name. It is only UK tradition that a female usually changes her name on marriage. By law she does not have to, but she can choose to do so (which is what she does when she adopts her husbands name). She could though choose to call herself by a completely new name.

    I changed my name over 20 years ago. I changed everything into the new name without any problems (Only the birth cert cannot be changed).

  8. #8
    Member shiera's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    i went into my bank the other day and enquired about her indoors opening a bank account when she comes over with them- they told me they wouldnt open her one

    so who will give her an account from the experiences on here?
    through my own experience,the only bank that allowed me to open an account just when i arrived to UK was Lloyds TSB,they never asked me to show any proof of adress but if i know someone who has an account with them and that he or she can attest that he or she knows me for at least 12 months,then they will surely give her an account.they will give u a form to sign and the account holder then thats it.hope it helps.

  9. #9
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    Marvie is over here on a visit visa at the moment and has managed to open a bank account, it was opened with HSBC and is called a HSBC Passport Account and is costs 8 pounds a month. She had to give two items of identification with her address in the Philippines (driving license etc), and then provided my address in the UK for the statement address. This gives her a visa card, an easy way for me to transfer money to her and good evidence for the fiance visa later in the year. They did advise that once she is permenantly resident that she can very easily change the account type.
    It's made her living in the UK for the last 4 months very easy.

  10. #10
    Respected Member estherboaz's Avatar
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    I was able to open a bank account in monthly charge and it is a debit card. they only ask for my passport and proof of address.

  11. #11
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Easiest way to sort it before she arrives is to open a new account in your own name, and pick up the form to change it to a joint account.

    When she arrives, add her name to it. Simple. A few months down the line you can take your own name off it.
    Keith - Administrator

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Easiest way to sort it before she arrives is to open a new account in your own name, and pick up the form to change it to a joint account.

    When she arrives, add her name to it. Simple. A few months down the line you can take your own name off it.
    I like that thinking.

    We got a basic account at Barclays. Needed proof of address (Utility bill), and a passport.

  13. #13
    Respected Member LEAHnew's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Easiest way to sort it before she arrives is to open a new account in your own name, and pick up the form to change it to a joint account.

    When she arrives, add her name to it. Simple. A few months down the line you can take your own name off it.

    In my experience as Fiance visa holder that time it was too hard, they need evidence as proof of address, but when I got my NHS card, I requested my GP to gave me certification that I lived there at that time (including may passport copy) I got my current Account at HSBC, but it was too late when we found out it's just the BASIC and they said I can't use it here in Phil
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  14. #14
    Respected Member scottishbride's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    i went into my bank the other day and enquired about her indoors opening a bank account when she comes over with them- they told me they wouldnt open her one

    so who will give her an account from the experiences on here?
    That's strange! I manage to open two accounts here. Lloyds TSB and RBS. She just need to provide identification like passport, and proof of address.

  15. #15
    Respected Member sparky's Avatar
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    since everyone else seems to have had no problems whatsoever i would avoid the alliance and leicester then

  16. #16
    Respected Member IainBusby's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sparky View Post
    since everyone else seems to have had no problems whatsoever i would avoid the alliance and leicester then
    I've always been with the Alliance & Leicester and when my wife arrived here, firstly they allowed her to open a basic account, then once she had a basic account, with the usual proof of ID, passport and council tax bill etc, they let us have a premier joint account.

    Once we had that they allowed her to open an ordinary account, she couldn't have her own premier account because they changed the rules and you can't have more than one premier account, but the ordinary account comes with everything you need, debit card etc, it just doesn't have the benefits that come with the premier account like free travel insurance etc.

  17. #17
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    I just took the joint account approach - I changed my bank account into joint account with his passport and our joint council tax bill - you MUST inform council tax as you lose rights to discount etc and they send you a new bill immediatly with both names - its the best form of ID/proof of address, I wrote to them before he arrived so had the letter here ready!

    We are waiting to hear back about the account -they said they'd have to check him (how???) and he may not have full use rights of the account in the beginning.....

  18. #18
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    that happened to me as well... need proof of address... so hubby added my name in the council tax bill.. then opened a basic savings account in halifax..

  19. #19
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    When we went into HSBC back in the "Boom" years the Wife left with an current account with overdraft option and a savings account, a credit card they even offered her a loan thank God I was there!!!
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  20. #20
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    My husband was refused by Nationwide to become a joint account holder on my existing flex account, I have had a letter informing me of this and they say they will write to him and tell him why (we had passport and council tax bill) - so will need to go elsewhere....I also have an account at Lloyds, but may look int Co-op as someone suggested...

  21. #21
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    My husband was refused by Nationwide to become a joint account holder on my existing flex account, I have had a letter informing me of this and they say they will write to him and tell him why (we had passport and council tax bill) - so will need to go elsewhere....I also have an account at Lloyds, but may look int Co-op as someone suggested...
    Some people have had issues with getting joint accounts sorted when the Mahal has arrived as they basically have no credit history in the UK.

    Far easier to have sperate accounts (often if with the same bank transfers of money can be almost instantly made.

    Banks and of course certain branches seem to have differently policys and of course depends if in a area with high levels of newly arrived people.
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by justchecking View Post
    My husband was refused by Nationwide to become a joint account holder on my existing flex account, I have had a letter informing me of this and they say they will write to him and tell him why (we had passport and council tax bill) - so will need to go elsewhere....I also have an account at Lloyds, but may look int Co-op as someone suggested...
    I suggest you email their CEO on

    Quite often they will change what you were told at a lower level. I got a Gold Credit card which had been refused becoz I lived o/s UK.

  23. #23
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    thanks Johncar54 - we still have nothing giving on on why the refusal was made - but assume it was to do with lack of credit history.....

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