I got this form "Report of Marriage" now.It says has a payment of £ 18.00 (if marriage was solemnized for more than a year prior to a filing of the Report of Marrige,there is an additional fee of £ 18.00 for late registration?) What does it means? Were married Jan.9,2010 til now April 9th 2010, and yet not registered our marriage, does it means we are late registration?

Advise Pls.
What is the mode of Payment also,if its send thru post? Any ideas or suggestions pls?Thank u.
It would be nice for me to send it thru post,if its possible.

(do they required a personal appearance?)It makes me feel dizzy travelling as my belly getting bigger nowadays.
Anyway,thank you! Would be delighted to hear from u again.
God bless!