Hello every1,

i plan to get married in the Philippines this June with my filippina fianceé.
I already got all the papers ready. We prefer a Church-Wedding.

But there are 2 Problems that appeared.

1st Problem: I am divorced. Can i marry in church if i'm divorced? Or are there special conditions?

2. Problem: I planned to go there about 4 weeks. The Procedure of church wedding is pretty long. There is for once an "Canonical Interview" which has to be done 1 month before the wedding -> This will be hard since i'll stay only one month -> Is there a way to do shorten that up to maybe 1 or 2 weeks before wedding?

And secondly the traditon of the "Wedding Banns" which has to be put in church 3 sundays before wedding. From what i heard it's possible that only the bride puts these wedding banns without husband being in the phils - is that true?

Thanks in advance for your help and infos!