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Thread: Cebu Pacific SCAM? You decide!

  1. #1
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    Cebu Pacific SCAM? You decide!

    Hi everyone i just want to share my experience in cebu pacific flight 5j803 bound to singapore last April 12,2010.My fiancee
    booked a flight for me to go to singapore as he is going to work there for 3 months.He is a british citizen. That day was so special
    for me as we will meet again each other as he is working offshore and didnt see him in webcam for long time as there is bad connection
    in the rig and firewall wont let him use webcam.

    I went early to cebu pacific terminal 3 as i dont want to have hassle.My flight is 8:30 at night,by the 7:30 im already in imigration
    then the next would be going to gate for boarding so i know i still have time as imigration wont take long and its my turn already,
    but the mean imigration old lady told me to tranfer to other imigration as he wont let me enter.So i was shock and ask her why,then
    she answer me SHE WONT LET ME again! Then i asked again why,then she replied that i dont have invitation letter from my fiancee to go
    to singapore.Then i ask her if theres a new rules of immigration about having a invitation letter when u going tourist to singapore
    but she answer me to go to other imigration line and try if they will let me enter.So me and the other tourist went to other line,
    I dont understand if what is her reason for doing that as there is no new rules about it.I just know that rules in going to singapore
    are you have to get return flights,tourist not more than 30 days,have money to support your stay and adequate accomodation.I have
    all of that and im going to stay with my fiancee in Shangrila hotel.Is it not adequate accomodation?I also have money in my wallet
    eventhough my fiancee is the one providing for my food,needs etc.I also have return flight which has my fiancee credit card copy and
    his passport copy that he paid my flights online,the proof that im really going to meet him.So i dont understand what is the problem.
    Then she dont listen to me and all she say is tranfer to other imigration so i did,also the other filipinos and filipinas did.
    Then ofcourse we need to go to the back of line.Just feel bad because i been in line for long time and the other immigration are
    closing their booths and leaving.Dont know what they are doing,they even using their phone dont know who they talking to that makes
    us wait so long.Its nearly boarding time but we are still on immigration line as they are so busy talking to phone,close their booths
    and talking to their coworkers!Then 1 cebu pacific crew came over and ask who is going to singapore,i think there is more or less 30
    perso raise their hands and they get their sit number and name.Then i wonder why he is getting it but he still not ask us to go infront
    of line as its our boarding time already or even ask the immigration to go back to their sit and stop chatting and talking in the phone,
    but he didnt do anything but to write down our names and sit number.Then we all think the plane is waiting for us or soon they will ask
    us to go infront of the line.

    Atlast! the immigration let me in and put a stamp DEPARTURE APRIL 12.Also the others has departure on their passport and the next
    thing to do is go to the gate,but as soon as the immigration stamp our passport the cebu pacific came over and said the plane left already!
    I was so shock and arguing to the crew, we are like more or less 30 person,(filipinoes,filipinas,singaporean and uk other races i dont know.
    They i ask the guy if why he asking awhile ago if who is bound to singapore and why he wrote our sit number and names.Then he didnt answer.
    All we see from him is smile!So all of us feels so bad as the flights are too expensive and their family or their boss and my fiancee
    is waiting for me in singapore. Then the cebu pacific crew said its not their fault its immigrations fault and thye cant do anything
    with it.I ask them if they have office but they said they only have ticketing office and told us to F@ckin' book our ticket again for
    the next singapore flight and buy our ticket again! So all of us was feeling bad.Also they just bring us to refund of the terminal fee,
    they said no refund for ticket as only the 750 pesos can refund and the travel tax of 1620pesos wont be refund in the airport and we need
    to go to their office,but i still dont care!I dont want to refund anything as i want to flight and i feel that they do it in purpose as
    because i found out that's why they getting the sit number and name is because they will remove our bag from the plane.Why dont they even
    told us the first place that the plane is leaving and the reason for getting our number and names is because they getting our bag out of
    plane?and they let us be at the end of the mine even its calling for boarding.So i feel its scam so i told my self i wont ever leave
    the airport with out refund but they insisting no refund as they put already on all of us is NO SHOW!so $tup!d coz we already check in
    and also immigration stamp departure in our passport but right away they said the plane left.I know i was not late as its already my
    turn in immigration but she said she wont let me enter and go to next line.

    I was so dissapointed,also my fiancee was as we dont see each other for 3 weeks as he is in the rig and so hard communication.I also
    feel bad to those singaporean which cant speak english and cant understand english and tagalog either.All they can say is HELP but the crew
    said sorry the plane left no refund just book your flight again to next flight.Ofcourse they cant explain their side.There is also uk man
    arguing with them but still same answer.I more feel bad with those filipinas and filipinoes working in singapore as they pay for their flight
    for 16,000pesos just to go back again to singapore,work and earn money again for their families.Feel bad as they working as aupair and
    cleaning houses and their salary for 1 month is the one they pay for that flight then the crew is asking them to buy again another ticket for
    next flight,means they have to pay their 2 months salary in singapore.

    But i still dont give up im arguing to them and asking for their manager,we waited long time but the manager still dont face us.So the
    other decided to leave as they dont have money to pay again their flights.I dont know what to do but sit in airport imagining how it would
    be happy to be back in my fiancee arms again.Miss him so much and cant accept that i wont flight.So i waited there with the 2 girls i met
    the first one was going there to visit his bf,the other is working there cleanign houses.All we do is talk about what happened but i still
    dont stop and go back and ask for manager but they said the manager is not there.So bad coz the manager dont even have the decency to talk
    to us and give us consideration.

    So the other pay again for their flight for 16k. But i told to myself i will get refund or wont ever pay again and I WILL FLIGHT!
    So the 1st girl i met already pay 16k,only me and the other woking gilr i met havent pay yet.She dont have enough money to pay,but me
    i told my self i wont accept that i need to pay again coz i totally believe its a scam.Then i go back to the crew and argue again.I keep
    arguing coz i know im right,they should give us final call in boarding or put us in front of line coz its our boarding time or ask the
    immigration to stop talking and go back to their booths so will be fast the service.And in the first place the cebu pacific crew write
    our sit number and name to put our bag out of the plane while we are in line on immigration so its really their purpose to leave us all.
    To my surprise they ask 1 immigration to sit and they call the bound to KUALA LUMPHUR and put them in front of line even they not boarding yet.Can't believe it!!!

    So i go back ALONE keep arguing and asking for refund.I think they get tired of me so they told me that they will just rebook it but
    i need to pay the cancelation fee of 1500pesos and the 4000pesos as the next flight is 16,000pesos and my missed flight i paid for is 12
    so i need to pay 1500+4000...So ia paid 5500 pesos coz i really need to flight.Then i go to the 1st girl i met i give her my receipt that
    i paid only 5500k.Then i ask her to argue to them and show my receipt and ask why i only pay 5k as she pay 16k.SO she went and argue
    to the crew and theres nothignt hey can do coz its really unfair to make me pay 5k and the rest is 16k.So they let her get a refund and
    she paid same as mine.But to the others who bought their ticket for 16k they dont let them get refund they have lots of reason to them
    why they cant refund it and pay little for next singapore flights.

    Then its 3;30 am,i go to the line for check in even my flight is 6;30 am,as maybe the immigration again is too lazy to work and less
    booths are open and incase they ask me again for invitationletter eventhough im not applying visa to singapore as theres no visa until
    30 days stay.All went fine but the immigration officer,OLD UGLY OFFICER ask many of us again to sit and wait even its our turn to
    immigration.He make us wait for long and even keep going to me and keep asking me and looking at my pictures and my fiancee in my wallet.
    The other said i should not come near him as he is pervert and looking at me from head to foot seems im naked eventhough im wearing a
    jeans,shirt and maong jacket!

    Then i swear to myself that if i missed again my flight i will report it to authority,but i also need your opinion guys if u also think
    its SCAM?Then at first i was smilling to the immigration but after that i never talk to them anymore dont even smile as im pi$$ed off.
    and told him if i missed my flight again because of immigration then its scam within the cebupacific and immigration so the people will
    book again their flight and they have alot of money from it.I do believe its scam.I pitty them.Anyway there is KARMA for them.
    Im looking at him angrily.Then its boarding time then he ask me already to go in immigration line.Atlast!they let me in already but after
    i reach the gate he called me again and ask me when is my flight back.So i answered him coz i think maybe the immigration needto know that
    even i already show them my retun flight in the booth,then i answered him but he reply to me.OK I WILL MEET YOU IN THE AIRPORT WHEN YOU
    ARRIVE.I was shock the way he behave!Then i flight to singapore with pain in my heart to the people who dont have money to go to singapore
    their work is waiting for them.Untill now i can't sleep.I need to speak out.I told my self i need to put it in internet for other people
    to be aware.I dont know if they doing it many times but in that 30 person left by plane and alreadycheck in and imigration stamp?Its
    unbelievable,i strongly believe its a scam!Also in talking to other who was left by pane many of them has a promo.They said they saw a promo
    flight to singapore its little cheaper so they grab it but not aware that cebu pacific and immigration will do it to them.So guys please
    be aware of it even they offer a promo flight and if possible dont flight in cebu pacific as the immigrations there are lazy and dont even
    care about how hard you work to earn those money and making their own rules just for a reason to not let you in and put you in other
    immigration long line.I want to put it in internet so the other people will be aware of it but i dont know how so i just put in this site.So
    if any one knows how please put it in internet site.for them to read it and them to decide if its cam or not.Thanks guys for reading even
    its too long just need to speak put my mind still cant sleep and feel bad to others who didnt go on flight and other who pay again. Its my first time to ride in cebu pacific and i swear to myself i wont ever flight in that airlines again and wont ever book flight to that TERMINAL 3 airport as the immigration are full of $h!te!!!
    Donald16Mhae ::

  2. #2
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    If the original ticket was paid by credit card, you can ask the C/C company for a full refund....

  3. #3
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by aromulus View Post
    If the original ticket was paid by credit card, you can ask the C/C company for a full refund....
    Hi..i ask that already but they said no refund as they put NO SHOW in all of us who left by the plane...but cant believe it as we are check in already and has immigration stamp deprature then when we finished immigration they said the plane left and our bag is on check in then no refund!.So many leave coz no more money to buy ticket.The other bought ticket again for 16k...As said no refund as its NO SHOW already even we are in airport and we have immigration stamp of departure.I just think the plane left already but they still make us pass through immigration so there will be departure stamp in our passport so no more refund as its says in the apssport that we flight already.Manager dont even talk to us.Anyway i just wish them GODBLESS!
    Donald16Mhae ::

  4. #4
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    i am sorry to hear that, but airlines can be a bit of a b***h. they can be delayed and we must patiently wait for them to sort out whatever problems they have, but we passengers can never be late
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  5. #5
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    i am sorry to hear that, but airlines can be a bit of a b***h. they can be delayed and we must patiently wait for them to sort out whatever problems they have, but we passengers can never be late
    yeah i agree to you that immigrations are like that but so bad that they keep chatting and busy at phone even they know thats its boarding time for singapore and still close their booths even they know there are many passengers and its boarding time already..WHats worse is they stamps us DEPARTURE APRIL 12 but after they stamp all the 30 passenger theh they reveal that the plane left and get our bags in check in..cant believe it!They should have tols us in the first place while we are in immigration line that they putting our bags out already so they wont stamp our passport,but instead they make us fall inline even the plane left already and just told us when they stamp it already.They even put the kuala lumphur in front of line even its not yet boarding and singapore is boarding already...i wonder if they can sleep at night on the things they doing to those people who work hard to earn that money....
    Donald16Mhae ::

  6. #6
    Respected Member mhaedonald's Avatar
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    anyway atleast i know now which is good airport..I always flight in either terminal 1 or terminal 2 they doing their work good and good service..But wont ever flight in terminal 3 anymore..its my first and last flight in that airport/airlines.the terminal 1 and 2 always give last call for boarding and letting the people to go in front of line if its their boarding time but in terminal 3 didnt even have a last call..they only say boarding and the plane left!The immigration are bad as well even ur turn they will put u in the end of the line and close their booths and little immigration working and will result in missed ur flight/buying again ticket as they take too long coz they are too busy to talk to in their phones and even put in front of line the other who is not yet boarding..
    Donald16Mhae ::

  7. #7
    Respected Member maria_and_matt's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mhaedonald View Post
    anyway atleast i know now which is good airport..I always flight in either terminal 1 or terminal 2 they doing their work good and good service..But wont ever flight in terminal 3 anymore..its my first and last flight in that airport/airlines.the terminal 1 and 2 always give last call for boarding and letting the people to go in front of line if its their boarding time but in terminal 3 didnt even have a last call..they only say boarding and the plane left!The immigration are bad as well even ur turn they will put u in the end of the line and close their booths and little immigration working and will result in missed ur flight/buying again ticket as they take too long coz they are too busy to talk to in their phones and even put in front of line the other who is not yet boarding..
    you should have told them what time your flight was, and told them to get a move on.. i would have
    God grant me the serenity to accept the things i cannot change, the courage to change the things i can and the wisdom to hide the bodies of those people i had to kill because they pissed me off.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by maria_and_matt View Post
    you should have told them what time your flight was, and told them to get a move on.. i would have
    Yes - if you don't ask you don't get but I doubt if it would have worked as mhaedonald and fellow passengers were in the hands of obstinate, mindless bureaucrats and jobs worth's

  9. #9
    Moderator Arthur Little's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dedworth View Post
    ... mhaedonald and fellow passengers were in the hands of obstinate, mindless bureaucrats and jobs worth's
    Tell me about it! I haven't mentioned this until now ... but reading Mhae's graphic account of her nightmarish experience has just reminded me of my OWN "brush with bureaucracy gone mad" on returning from a belated honeymoon trip to Paris last month.

    The incident occurred as my wife and I were about to join the midday Northbound Express [or so we thought!] at London's Kings X Rail Terminal. Two queues had formed and - as it so-happened - WE'D inadvertently picked the wrong one. I duly handed over my ticket for inspection ... only to be asked for my Senior Rail Card - which, naturally enough, I couldn't produce on demand since it had been stowed away in another wallet that was inside the suitcase I'd packed a few hours earlier. Despite my attempts to reason with the guy that I couldn't have purchased the ticket at the concessionary rate in the first place had I NOT had the Card, the awkward persisted in his argument that I wouldn't be allowed to board the train WITHOUT it - adding that I'd have to make my way to Customer Services (on another platform) notwithstanding the fact that we were laden with two sets of luggage, and it would've taken ages to open up and rummage through my case to retrieve the other wallet, as the only obvious alternative. All this ... with about five minutes to spare before the train was due to leave!

    As I stood there remonstrating with this jumped-up jackass, I hadn't seen my wife dashing off hurriedly in search of the Customer Services kiosk (or whatever it was) ... I'D been too to have even noticed she was no longer there! It was only when I saw her clutching a small rectangular card - which she gave to the ticket inspector - that I realised she'd been gone at all.

    That done, it was a case of "... 'Ave a pleasant journey, Ma'am ... Sir ...!" Grrr, cheeky sod!

    Not Cebu Pacific, nor for that matter, a scam - and, perhaps even to some extent, - but it shows that these "over-zealous" types are everywhere!!!

  10. #10
    Moderator fred's Avatar
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    Keep fighting them..Put that post of yours on every Filipino and tourist forum you can find..Send it to every Newspaper in Cebu ..There are lots of them..Just use Google to find them. Also email Cebu pacific..If they dont answer then bombard them with more emails until they do...Do the same on the P.I Gov forum about the way you were all treated by the Immigration officer. They expect that you will simply go away..DONT.
    Be a sharp thorn in their side at least till they offer you some really nice freebies and a grovelling apology letter.

    Im sure there are others here with better ideas how to embarrass these imbeciles ..

  11. #11
    Respected Member malditako's Avatar
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    i wonder if these people are allowed to use cellphone while on duty....better complain them to the main a tax payer u have the right to demand better service as u paying their salary.

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