Yes I am afraid..that Filipino's especially women are the most traficked race of people on this earth, they often end up in sexual slavery, in all corners of the globe, very similar to young boys who end up as camel jockeys in the Emirates, and end up dying young, when they fall off.
Young children and young women are often kidnapped and moved around the world to satisfy the hareems of the middle east, ending up in places they cannot get out of, most governments knows this goes on, there is a famous book written by one of the few international detectives who worked in the United States, his travels took him all over the world, to Guatemala, Pakistan, India, Sri Lanka, Brazil, and the amount of money that is made from Child prostitution is staggering, national governments are fully aware, but spend little or no money on stopping it, I could take you now to a whole street in Manor Park London E12, I know it well, its packed with massage palours, every other shop is a nocking shop, its full of Eastern European women, many of them Ethnic Russians, beautiful blonde girls, who come here as bond slaves, they are bought and paid for, by gangmasters, you can buy one for £5000.00 and she will work 24 hours a day servicing clients to repay your investment, some gangmasters are so mean, they wont allow them out of the shop, they bring them burgers and chips to eat in their breaks so that they dont have to come out.
This is but one place, I know of, I drive past it every other week, the places are well known to me, not that I have been in them of course I haven't its just that I have worked the area for years, and the women are definately bond slaves, bond slavery we thought ended years ago, hmmm it still goes on, a bond slave is a person who has to repay a debt...paid for by the owner, the owner either pays the family money, and the girl has to work it off, but she is in slavery forever, some of them think they are coming to work in pubs and clubs as hostesses, little do they know that when they arrive in UK on the back of trucks, they are to be traficked into sexual slavery, the problem is just so big, that national police forces are not equipped to crack down on it, the Book called "Shambu" makes frightening reading, when you know how much money is made in the traficking of women in sexual slavery around the world, it is nearly 1 Trillion US Dollars a year, one third of the US. Federal budget, we are talking her about serious money, no national police forces can handle that sort of threat, considering that the UK National budget is 220 Billion pounds a year, you will see why the UK Metropolitan Police force has little or no budget for it, there are only 12 Detectives working this trade in the whole of the Metropolitan Police force.
Still think we can help ??