Hello to everyone. I just need some info on my appeal on my mothers visitors visa.
My husband and I permanent residents here in Singapore. We decided to bring my 76 year old mother along to our UK trip( our second trip since HQ of husbands company is there). I applied for my moms visa in manila since that’s were she is from. I attached all the necessary documents which I thought would be ok for her application. At any rate, she was denied. We got the reply march 26, 2010.Although we were instructed that we could file an appeal. The reasons for the denial were: the consul didn’t see that my mom was seriously wanting to go to the UK. She made mention that she was joining us but saw no visa application from us.
Yup, I messed that application up. Shoot me please!
The good comment was that she clearly could afford her trip and accomodations.
So in the appeal form I attached photocopies of our Singapore identity cards, my passport with 2 previous(expired) UK visas,my husband’s valid visa, confirmed hotel and airfare tickets for us.
We also attached a letter, explaining that I would file for my visa upon my return to Singapore and attached my return ticket manila-singapore.
I explained in writing, that my husband and I are Singapore permanent residents,thus must apply from here. We hope to finalize my mothers accommodation and airfare upon the approval of her visa. And that we would take her around London to see the sights as this is her first time and for us our 3rd.
We went to the embassy in manila to delivery the appeal but were told by the embassy staff that it had to be sent via courier. So we did. The appeal was received March 30,2010 at 9am. We did not enclose my mothers passport as it was specifically indicated in the appeal form that it shouldn’t be.
To date we haven’t had any update. Our scheduled flight is on may 14, we still have to bring my mom here to Singapore so that we can all be on the same flight. I am so apprehensive that because of my carelessness my mom wont be able to join us.How long do appeals of this sort take? Does my mom have to reapply or just wait it out? Based on the website it takes 8 weeks and the papers are sent to the UK to be reviewed? Any suggestions out there?help!