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  1. #1
    Newbie (Restricted Access)
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    Thank you for this forum

    I want to say a BIG thank you to the owners of this forum.

    Both my housemate and my landlord married pinays several years ago. I decided to look online for a wife for myself. I found a wonderful women called Judith about 8 months ago and we chat online most days. We decided a couple of months ago that we want to be together. Both my landlord and housemate said it would be almost impossible for Judith to get a visa to live here these days. I looked at several sites to get more information. They were all negative and it seemed that only nurses would get visas. Judith is a qualified teacher but it seems we do not need teachers.

    Then I found this forum. And now it seems that Judith can come and live with me as long as we are married. How happy are we? I know it is still not a certainty. And I expect it to be difficult and time consuming. But now, thanks to this forum, we have hope.

    Thank you everybody

    Ian and Judith

  2. #2
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Nice to see a decent post instead of some folk moaning (typical British)
    Keith - Administrator

  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Win2Win View Post
    Nice to see a decent post instead of some folk moaning (typical British)
    Hey Keith, you can stop grovelling, I think the guy is from the place Windsor and not his surname

    looks like you being the second scouser to be knighted, after the great Ken dodd ! willl have to wait a bit longer

  4. #4
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    I love our Royal Family for the tourist dollars they bring into the country, but I would hate to be one of them. I am just a normal guy and happy to be so.

    Back to my original post:- I have spent all morning reading posts and have got loads of useful info - maybe too much to absorb. I have bookmarked several posts and will re-read them again.

    My one concern at the moment is how the hell do I know when Judith has understood me? Pinays seem to work on a different time scale to us and have no sense of punctuality. Any tips on how I can make sure she does the right paperwork at the right time? Anybody able to write a checklist and timescale in Tagalog for her?

    And on the subject of Tagalog - does anybody know a good online translator that I can use please?

    Many thanks - Ian

  5. #5
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    online translator hmm, if you type 'ette translator' in google. you can download a program that will try for you.

    as for timescale, theres only one. ASAP.

  6. #6
    andypaul's Avatar
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    Im gald you found the site.

    If you satisfy the crieta of being in love, able to support your girlfried/wife, and have accomdation suitable ( for more info on the topic just search and read though the site) you really shouldn't have to many problems.

    My personal advice is to read up on the latest regulations and ignore the older processes your housemate and landlord went though.

    Read up this forum, petes site listed at the top of the start page and of course the ukvisas page.

    The process can be complicated if you don't read up then check and plan everything you both need to do. Those who research and ask lots of questions seem to get though the procedure with a lot less hassle than those who don't.

    Good luck to you both and I hope shortly you are both living together happily .

  7. #7
    Administrator KeithD's Avatar
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    Just fill the form out for her this end, then she only need copy it....use BRIGHT markers to make clear what she must fill in/sign/date, etc....
    Keith - Administrator

  8. #8
    andypaul's Avatar
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    With regard the planing it is worth sitting there for a chat session and explain all the processes you found out about. Keep it simple and step by step. If my Wife had explained all the processes we would have to go though in detail, I would have my head spinning for weeks after.

    Also be aware judith may suddenly blessed with lots of useful info from friends, neighbours and realtive. A lot of this will be either out of date, regarding another countries visa or just muddled up. Be prepared for it and ready to counter it with the correct facts.

    If judith needs advice or reassurance im sure if she asks on here for a filpinas experince, the ladies on this site will only to glad to help and advise.

    I don't know the level of judiths english but if she is to come to the UK it will im sure (as it does for most phills) need improving and angliszing (ie get her aquainted with the fact uk english is differnt to us english).
    I know of phills who just can't understand the british accent but will understand clearly americans. So best to put the timeline and other details in english to help with her practise.
    The to simplest ways to help her english is with communication with you and watching bbc channel which most phills will have access to via their local cable channel.

    Early on in the process its worth on deciding if your wife wants to study and take an exam such as a ilets. This will help if Judith plans to work in the UK either as a teacher or in another career. As it shows the level of english she has attained.

  9. #9
    Respected Member tiger@tigress's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ian View Post
    I want to say a BIG thank you to the owners of this forum.

    Both my housemate and my landlord married pinays several years ago. I decided to look online for a wife for myself. I found a wonderful women called Judith about 8 months ago and we chat online most days. We decided a couple of months ago that we want to be together. Both my landlord and housemate said it would be almost impossible for Judith to get a visa to live here these days. I looked at several sites to get more information. They were all negative and it seemed that only nurses would get visas. Judith is a qualified teacher but it seems we do not need teachers.

    Then I found this forum. And now it seems that Judith can come and live with me as long as we are married. How happy are we? I know it is still not a certainty. And I expect it to be difficult and time consuming. But now, thanks to this forum, we have hope.

    Thank you everybody

    Ian and Judith

    Hello Ian

    The very first thing to do is to fly and meet Judith in person then everything will follows.... Welcome to the forum.
    tiger tigress

    ♥♥♥♥Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, While loving someone deeply gives you courage♥♥♥♥.

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