hmm £150, lol, i think you have to show bank statements for the last 3 months, i appiled for a visa for my step son and had only £1000 in the bank, but got the visa, i think becuase we have a permanent place to live and both work, showing you have a regular wage and a permenant home may help more than savings...
well iam applying for FLR , as I cannot apply for ILR yet because my wife didnt come to the uk until mid may 2005, when my wifes visa runs out in mid march 2005, she will have only been here for 22 months not 23 months !! wasting £335.. and have to apply for ILR in mid april...
SO OTHER SPOUSE VISA SEEKERS !! BE WARNED YOU CAN ENTER THE UK UPTO 28 DAYS BEFORE THE START OF VISA DATE.. you have to be in the UK for more than 23 MONTHS BEFORE YOU CAN APPLY FOR ILR. so get here before the start date...