hello darlamoon,
thank you...my daughter had applied for settlement visa (as my dependant), submitted her application last feb 2009 got refused i guess on march 2009, made an appeal june/july 2009, got a court hearing date last jan 2010 and our appeal was allowed feb 2010..all in all...i guess it took more or less a year for the appeal process and now we're waiting for her visa stamp (hope there is no more problems)...
these are the contact infos. that i have for the visa/appeals team in the UK embassy in the Phils, they do reply in emails but you have to wait for a couple of days and if u do want to follow-up by phone you have to be really, really patient as you have to dial probably hundred times...it will just keep on ringing, u have to try and try until someone answers....
British Embassy Manila , Email: manilavisaenquiries@fco.gov.uk |Website: www.ukinthephilippines.fco.gov.uk Tel-006328582398
Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 0800-1545 | Friday 0800-1230
Goodluck on your Mom's Visa.....i hope she will get her visa soon.....i hope the above will help...just be patient....all the best