Quote Originally Posted by jackson.alan46 View Post
How times have changed. My Mum was a doctor, graduating during World War II. There were far fewer female medical students then (and the exams were no easier just because there was a war). She did her first year as a junior doctor living in hospital for no salary . Now over half of all medical graduates are female. Luckily, for various reasons, my Mum didn't have to work full time until my brother and I were teenagers, and it would have been a waste of her training and talent if she hadn't been able to do that. But as kids we were glad to have her around home .
funny this being mentioned now, my misses after 2 months of applying for any SHO job, out of the blue, she got a call today from a hospital 50 miles away and after a chat, shes got a interview on Tuesday, its only for 3 months, but its a start..

now after more than 10yrs at uni, and tens of £1,000s spent, which one of you wants to tell her she should stay at home and look after the kids

my misses has made many sacrifices to get this far. its taken all our savings and wages, we don't have a plasma tv, never-mind a 50" one, we've not been back to the phils for 5yrs, nearest thing we've had to a holiday was half a day in blackpool last sat ..