There are many on this forum who like to ridicule the current Labour Government and talk about how it is a shambles. And there are also a few on here who will stand up for Labour and defend them with reference back to the days when the Conservatives had a bungling set of ministers with an NHS in crisis. All fair points!
Before this election I have pretty much decided who I am going to vote for already, and it won't be Labour!
The first time got to vote in a General Election was in 1997 when I (like the vast majority of this country) was swept away with the New Labour brand, wooed by Tony Blair and his promise for a better society. Education, Education, Education he declared. And the NHS would get funding instead of cuts, hurrahhh... Tough on Crime and the causes of Crime! All good...
Today I have thought over a few things. Firstly, I truly think this country is worse now than it was in 1997. Forget about the crime figures, I have seen the criminals take the streets in the areas where I have lived. Just the other day my nephew was kidnapped by a gang from a nearby council estate, because they thought his older brother had a lot of money and could spare them a few grand. As it happened, he was released a few hours later after the Police were called but the threats to him and his mother were simple - this didn't happen. And so nobody talks to the Police and my sister is looking to leave Manchester... Funny how gangs like this live without fear of the law! A few years ago I used to live above a row of shops in a small flat, often kids from around the area would kick footballs to the shutters as they enjoyed the sound of the bangs it made. they also tried to see how close they could kick the football to a window without smashing it... Needless to say that I had a broken window every week! And when I went out to try and ask them to go elsewhere, I was met with essentially an attack (except had I defended myself I would have served time as these kids were all under 13). At the time I was going through a big Mixed Martial Arts phase and would have given anything to meet their fathers - except I think they don't have any. And so it was either beat up a bunch of children and face the consequences or move.
I moved shortly after, seeing it a better deal to move home than to move to Strangeways Prison
Since then, from everything I have been told and seen. Things are worse..
With the NHS, think Labour have done a fairly good job there. Sure it is far from perfect, but I doubt it will ever be.
Education I think has been eroded. And not just by the current administration but previous ones too. I have nephews who have simply refused to be educated when they got to 13 and the system just lets them go, discipline needs to be returned to the classroom somehow.
Another failing of the current administration has been the erosion of our civil liberties. The war on terror has been a catalyst for them to remove our rights under the banner of security. Rights which people like my grandfather joined the British Army during World War II to defend (despite the fact he was Irish), and many gave their lives for. So when a politician stands on stage to tell us how only the criminals have to fear incursions on our civil liberties, I almost want to make a citizens arrest for Treachery (except that law is now gone)...
Under Labour, we have seen a massive rise in red tape, loss of freedoms including a proposed law to outlaw criticizing religion, under the pretence to only stop people making fun of religion. Thankfully, Tony Blair left Parliment that night early and the vote lost by 1 vote - Tony's. Otherwise, countless people up and down the country would be facing charges including the Author Richard Dawkins.
Under Labour, we have seen the waste of public money go to prosecute a Christian couple for making a flippant comment about Islam, yet thieves and killers walk free. whilst in debt like we have never known before, we still waste money on two wars we could easily end tomorrow if somebody in power wanted to. But it seems, although we are no longer a world conquering empire, we still think in our arrogance we should still be a big time player
And finally, Labour has given one of the most powerful roles in the government to a man who is only an MP by peerage, after he was forced to resign in disgrace - twice. And no sooner than the last election was over, they removed their own leader so we could all get an unelected Prime Minister. Arrogance is the meme of New Labour it seems.
I voted for them in 1997 and until every single one of them is long gone from office or at the very least apologized. I for one am switching to another party