Just a slightly pee'd off at the mo! For reasons which you'll find out later in a few days I was trying to plan and was looking forward to this weekend. I managed to get some hard to get hold of music gig tickets (double the original price) for this Friday night and was going to invite the girl I had been seeing + do other things over the coming weekends, but that all went to crap when met this other guy and they became a couple of the first date!
I also have a VW Car club drive thing through the countryside to the coast where we'll have fish & chips. So I ask my best friend who happens to actually not be working this weekend (he's normally doing long shift-work) if he wants to come to either? He says that the gig ticket will be wasted on him as he's not her biggest fan. Another friend is on holiday, another one is going away for the weekend and is not too keen on her, another one is just seeing another friend and another won't quite be able to get there in time. My best friend said about the Sunday that he'd prefer to leave the day open! So wonderful, I'm going to a gig on my own + wasting a ticket and looks like I'm also going to the VW coast run on my own too (which I can't really do as there's some questions and answers thing to do on the way).
This is on top of working in an office on my own, on a floor on my own (+there's only 5 others that work there that are in & out during the day), living on my own and mostly socializing on my own. I have plenty of interests and I'm fine in my own company some of the time, but just get fed-up of it virtually all the time!Most friends are in couples so I don't get to see time so much (some totally disappeared after they met their partner)and a lot of people that have mostly been in relationships don't know what it is like to be constantly on your own. It also doesn't seem easy to make new friends either as most people already have enough! I'm just getting a bit sick of it really!
Does anyone feel like this/have a similar situation?