Apparently it is being broadcast from Manchester. They've just said on the radio that Bottler Brown is already at the TV Studio - no doubt mulling over which pair of brown trousers he's going to wear
Apparently it is being broadcast from Manchester. They've just said on the radio that Bottler Brown is already at the TV Studio - no doubt mulling over which pair of brown trousers he's going to wear
I hate all this "immigration from outside the EU".
We should treat immigrants the same no matter what country they come from.
I know if I was in hospital i`d prefer a ward of Filipina nurses than Romanian!
Filipinas are good nurses and caregivers and they shouldnt be punished just `cos they arnt from the EU.
At this moment I think Cleggy is doing the best but it doesnt mean i`d vote for him.
Although all of us posting here have a special affinity with the Philippines we cannot escape the fact that anyone who holds a EU passport has a right to work here, almost without exception and the same applies to us going there. We think of them as immigrants but if we consider them as EU citizens then they are not. We might regret it, and as a previous owner of a care home I can confirm that a Filipina is usually an excellent carer, there is little that can be done. Folk from outside the EU are immigrants, whilst those within it are not. They are not the same.
I am surprised with the result of that debate as I was expecting that Cameron would be on top. As all newspapers, TV news and internet, Cameron is leading. But this debate should lead him to exit.
I'm afraid that if he wins, the immigration will be his first priority and not economic recovery.
He always look up in the sky.
I am not into politics, but if I have privelege to vote, i'll vote for labour or maybe Libdem but definitely not the Conservatives.![]()
I think you will find that who-ever wins will face the same problems and will have to take drastic action. I really don't see that the conservatives will tackle immigration any differently in practice. What is being said is window dressing to keep some of those with more extreme attitudes within their camp and stop defections to the BNP. There will be greater priorities than immigration and all politicians know very well that the UK needs a net increase in immigration to sustain the economy, but cannot say so openly. The real issues are all to do with how to cut the deficit and when to do it. I see no choice other than to make severe cut backs in many public services, some of which are stupidly over mannned, and over paid with ridiculous pension benefits. No political party can openly talk about this but that is particularly true of labour who know their funding from Unite would dry up if they threatened the cuts we need. If we get another labour government I fear we will never take the steps we need to cure this mess. Brown flirted with the City, and got into trouble. Now he cannot give us the medicine we need to cure it.
Debate or Pantomime?
ermI think the Tories have stated this
We will work to prevent illegal migration with a dedicated Border Police Force to crack down on illegal immigration and people trafficking
We will introduce important new rules to tighten up the student visa system, which at the moment is the biggest hole in our border controls
At the moment any so called "asylum seeker" spotted by Mr Plod climbing out of the back of a forty footer at Watford Gap Services is given a cup of tea and his taxi fare to the nearest Benefits Office
You mean the Sky Programme that was paid for by the Home Office ? - they cancelled the 2nd series when Digger Murdoch ditched New Labour. I think Cameron has in mind something with a bit more muscle and clout than the present UKBA who after all are mainly composed of overweight pasty looking individuals who used to sit behind desks at Heathrow and check passports. I first saw their new look in Belfast about Nov 08 and couldn't get over how banana republic the uniforms look.
You might be taken by the clowns on the TV trying to look hard in stab vests as they turn over Indian Takeaways but like Labour it's all show and no substance.
it made mea few times.
those applying for visit visa's, who have no clue what they are going to see in the UK.
those applying for student visa, doing some worth-less course or a degree at some international college above a chippy, or even better they hardly speak, read or write English
The only problem is that it will cost money and the tories will be in the business of cutting budgets not increasing or creating new ones. When it comes to illegal immigration, unless the government, whether it be labour or conservative, are prepared to pay for enough holding centres where the illegals can be kept on an indefinite basis until passports and travel documents can be sorted out for them to be returned to their country of origin (which can take more than a year with some countries, China for instance) then the problem will continue.
If David Cameron says he will do this then I'll be impressed...... but I still won't vote for him because if he and his cohorts get elected they'll devastate our public services. Most tories at heart don't really believe in public services paid for by the state...... they have a victorian attitude to many of the things that come under the "public services" heading, they think that many of these things should be left to volunteers and charities.
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