I found a place to stay here which does me just fine... it's actually called, "My place", a room in a complex with about 50 other rooms, brand new.
Today I was thinking about my old place back in the UK, and comparing the two. There, I was in a shared house, had to share the kitchen and bathroom with some of the most unhygenic dudes I've ever had the displeasure to know. Every friday and saturday night there was a lot of noise from the street down below, and the guy upstairs coming in bladdered shouting and singing. Over 2 years I had a number of issues with people in the house and their drunken behaviour, also had somebody try to come in through my window in the middle of the night, and another through the front door because... "he'd got lost on his way home"
Here, there's 24 hour security and its very very quiet. I actually find it a little uncomfortable having the guard open the door for me every time and call me sir. Guess I'm just not used to it. It costs me less than half what I was paying in the UK and is roughly the same size, only I have an ensuite here, cable and broadband chucked in, as well as a maid who drops by twice a week. And I'm woken up every morning to the smell of barbecued chicken from the eaterie behind
Half the price. Double the standard. No comparison