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Thread: Applying for ILR..what should I look out for?..

  1. #1
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Applying for ILR..what should I look out for?..

    Hello everybody peeps! My name a Stavros!

    Except I am really Nigel, and my Vimvie is about to apply for her ILR. She has passed her life in the U.K. of course..

    It all seems quite straight forward to me..but are there any pitfalls I should worry about?

    Has anybody been refused their ILR?

    Is there any 'elusive' things about the whole thing I should know about?

    Salamat in advance for any replies..

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  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    Hello everybody peeps! My name a Stavros!

    Except I am really Nigel, and my Vimvie is about to apply for her ILR. She has passed her life in the U.K. of course..

    It all seems quite straight forward to me..but are there any pitfalls I should worry about?

    Has anybody been refused their ILR?

    Is there any 'elusive' things about the whole thing I should know about?

    Salamat in advance for any replies..
    I hear Nigel and Vimvie.

    Well done to Vimvie on passing the life in the UK test you are now offcially cleverer than Nigel and myself on the UK

    Well there is less paperwork to send in than before as long as you have bills or offcial letters in bth your names and as Vimvie i belive has been working they can see she has definelty been in the country.

    I very much doubt Vimvie has been out breaking laws.

    So just fill out the paperwork submit the paperwork and sit back and wait unless your going in person?

    Very few people who go in with their eyes open and have the correct paperwork and abided by british law etc have been refused ILR. From what I saw its as usual easier for them to pass you than fail (less paperwork and follow up so make their lives easy and they make yours happy
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  3. #3
    Moderator joebloggs's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nigel View Post
    .but are there any pitfalls I should worry about?

    Has anybody been refused their ILR?

    so must negativity Nigel

    almost everyone is granted their ILR

    just make sure the payment does not

  4. #4
    Respected Member keithAngel's Avatar
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    I dougbt one in a hundred brits could pass that test
    Absit invidia

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