Were the emails to ones in the Uk or in Phils etc? I've found that most in the UK, don't seem to be too interested for some reason. Quite frustrating as some live very near to me in my county and don't/won't even look at my profile! I sent a message to one who was a gold member, she finally read my message, but still didn't even look at my profile. I have been in their age ranges and am the type of person that they say they are looking for, so I don't get it.

I've also seen that some seem to be a lot fussier, in the the age range that they are looking for is a lot narrowed to what Filipinas in Phils are looking for. I saw one who was 37 and said that she was looking for a guy ages between 30-40 which is like a lot of UK girls, in that they seem to be going for more younger than older guys! Maybe, they want someone more immature, they don't want to settle down or have a family? Who knows? Maybe what some Filipinas say in that age doesn't matter & they prefer someone more mature is really rubbish and they are just being less fussy, so they can meet a foreign guy? If that them saying that age doesn't matter etc, was really true, then they wouldn't change their opinion once here!

I wouldn't message them more than once! If they don't reply, then I'll bother with someone else! If they like me that much, then they'll reply.

Maybe some haven't bothered to look at me as I'm not a gold member (full membership only ended last week), but if they sent an 'I'm interested' message to me, added me to their favourites or sent me a message and i was interested in them, then I would join up, but I don't want to join up if there is no-one there that is interested in me.

Whereabouts does the one you're in contact with live?