Sod who they are, policies, etc, just get this shower of idealess plonkers out. I think it should be like the US. Two terms Max for one guy.
Plaid Cymru
Not Voting
Don't know yet
Sod who they are, policies, etc, just get this shower of idealess plonkers out. I think it should be like the US. Two terms Max for one guy.
Keith - Administrator
Pirate if they stand in my area. Otherwise anything except the big 3, BNP and UKIP.
Can`t vote in this poll for some reason.![]()
Probably a 75 posts plus rep thing.
If the Lib-Dems get a chance they will defer fuel allowance to age 65 - doesn't bother me!
Whoever gets in things are going to very tough for a couple of years, there will be lots of cuts and taxes will go up all round. At least with labour you can rest assured that the heaviest burden will be carried by those with the broadest shoulders. At least labour won't be playing just to their diehard supporters like the tories are with regard to abolishing inheritance tax which will only make an extra hole of about 4 billion to be filled with even deeper cuts in services or even bigger hikes in either VAT or income tax.
Looking at the poll results so far, it seems to tally with the general consensus there could be a hung parliament. Labour clearly can't be trusted especially when ex-ministers are up to no good and a PM who admits to lying at the Chilcot enquiry. I think people are angry at this Labour government and want them out, but at the same time cannot bring themselves to vote for Dave. So I think we're about to enter a period of political paralysis. No one in their right mind would vote for a BNP or UKIP government, and Plaid and SNP only represent Wales or Scotland. LibDems can't be trusted, so who's left? Come May 6th, I think Gordon might be in with a chance, people might opt for the Devil they know, then the devil they don't, but as they say, "Its the economy stupid" and if Gordon gets back in and has to make some cuts to sort out the deficit, he won't be popular. At least you know Dave will cut money, so do we continue in this false sense of security under a Labour gov't or swallow the bitter pill under Dave?
Wow! My lot are leading at the mo!!
Pressed rat and warthog closed down their shop!
English Democrats
"If voting changed anything, they'd make it illegal," Emma Goldman
Never a truer word said.
I hate to state the obvious but lab was voted in cuz we had had enough of labour, now labour are on thier way out we are having the cons stuffed down our throats by the media as the only option...
Labour were voted in by 33% of the voters of which only 33% of ppl that could vote actually bothered, therfore we are being governed by a party voted in by about 12% of the population...
The polititians are relying on ppl being so disenfranchised that nobody botheres to vote and they can carry on with thier pathitic lifes, unintrupted by the silly public.
just listening to PMs question time ( or none answer time ) makes me cringe.. all that bah hooing
they are 'spose to be there to make the country better but just seem to want to disagree with each other just for disagrements sake.
They have all been there long enough with plenty of funds between them this country should be in a better condition,
If the houses of parliment was a private company they would have gone bust and out of business by now........
The only way to clear the rot would be a complete clean out of all and let someone else have a go...
3 votes for UKIP
come on, vote for the guy with balls
sir winston churchill (1874-1965)
"We are with Europe, but not of it. We are linked, but not combined. We are interested and associated, but not absorbed. And Should European statesman address us in the words which were used of old – “Shall I speak for thee to the King or the Lord of the Host?” – we should reply with the words of the Shunamite woman: “Nay sir, for we dwell among our own people.”
ukip for me
Green party omg nutters,the woman on question time last week should have convinced anyone not to vote for them she was useless.
voting ukip, what a waste, its easy to say something when you never get in power
vote jedi knight![]()
i have learnt to do what my wife says!
Not necessarily a waste of time ... especially the way the country's heading at the present moment. Ask around ... British people are getting sick to the back teeth of being subject to the dictates of Brussels. I KNOW I am ... and ANY Political Party that can disentangle our laws from those of the rest of this farcical European Union, must surely be welcomed!
I'm fed up from of being subject to the dictat of london, and the county council, and the town council and the parish council. Where does it stop? Be are also being dictated to by the world bank and the IMF should we withdraw from the rest of the world as well?
I don't agree with the EU, it is simply a capitalist clubbut get over the fact that 35 years ago the electorate voted to remain a part of the then Common Market. And if you can't get your head around that, tell me when Liverpool or Manchester or Sheffield, or Cornwall etc voted to be ruled from London.
I've no objections to *trading with European countries ... or anywhere else, for that matter;what I can't get my head round, are the ways in which our laws are being "monkeyed" around with. And it seems hypocritical to ME that, on the one hand, Britain is prepared to co-operate with ludicrous legislation dreamt up by its continental "cousins" ... yet persists in being a law unto itself, on the other, in terms of the implementation of its Immigration Policy - which I hardly need spell-out to members of this forum.
And yes,... none of the cties/regions &c., you mention, elected to be ruled from London - as did neither Wales, Scotland nor Northern Ireland. But the fact remains, that good though the separate [Countries'] assemblies might BE - from the point of view of giving each a bigger say in government - WE, as a Nation,
are perfectly capable of "standing on our own feet" without outside interference from across the Channel.
They may not get in but like many people Vote green it shows the major parties what people are really wanting/thinking.
Also hopefully UKIP will asorb votes which might have ended up with the in my view abborent BNP.
Personally my vote will go for our current MP who does an outstanding Job on Local Issues and had little to worry about when the expenses issue was in the news. What I think of his party I have yet to decide.
Pesonally I would like to have two votes one for who my MP is and one for who the governing group are.
Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops
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