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Thread: overreaction or not?

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  1. #1
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    overreaction or not?

    I'm resigned to the fact that I am unlikley to get a flight this week now, and going a week later and extending my stay isn't a possibility for me.

    Better see what I can do to get refunds on all of my hotel bookings and internal flights

    ..and yeah, my g/f is pretty pd off right now

  2. #2
    Respected Member somebody's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Englishman2010 View Post

    I'm resigned to the fact that I am unlikley to get a flight this week now, and going a week later and extending my stay isn't a possibility for me.

    Better see what I can do to get refunds on all of my hotel bookings and internal flights

    ..and yeah, my g/f is pretty pd off right now
    Horrible situation your in and I hope you get some good news soon

    I guess looking at it unemotionaly a few planes have been sent up and they were not damaged. Im sure huge tracts of airspace are fine but if a plane cant make diversions if needed due to a non ash related emgency or it does hitone of the areas with ash then what happens then. I think they said 15 thousand flights a day were being canceled so the few test flights are not really going to prove one way or the other its safe for all flights.

    Plus im sure when the Airlines go to their brokers they will either decline to cover them or ask for huge increases to cover if they were to fly.

    I think sometimes we think Mankind has no issue it cant solve and sometimes mother nature likes to let us know otherwise..

    One thing for you at least your both at home and although apart both safe and well. It pays well to think of those both in the UK who live abroad and those from the Uk stuck abroad who are facing far worse issues at present

    Im looking at the bright side at least my Wife is at home with her family not stuck on her own

    I hope things sort themsleves out soon and your soon back together
    Oh lord why did you make so many clothes and shoe shops

  3. #3
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    Yes you are right Somebody, I would rather be stuck in the comfort of my home in the UK, than in an airport waiting lounge or overseas paying for additional nights hotels and running out of money.

    One of my best pals is Captain of an oil drill ship in the South China Sea, he's just e-mailed me to say that half of his crew are European and cant get home after their shift change, and the new crew can't get out either. He's got Aussies, American's and Canadian's on his ship, so all's not lost for them as they can still get back.

  4. #4
    Respected Member nigel's Avatar
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    Goodness me you have had some rotten experience here...If the hotels wont let you have a refund...then they should let your gfriend stay there at least...they can't charge you and at the same time tell you can't use their room!

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